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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Driving Education Dilemma

Name: Julia Eck
From: West Long Branch, NJ
Votes: 0

The Driving Education Dilemma

Each year, there are countless amounts of roadway accidents that cause detrimental injuries as well as mental trauma.  The causes of these accidents can range anywhere from cluelessness regarding the rules of the road to simple carelessness when it comes to driving.  The statistics that highlight the number of car accidents every year are extremely worrisome and individuals, especially new drivers, must be aware of these numbers.  It is essential that driver education is emphasized and taken seriously all throughout the country in order to avoid life-threatening accidents that could have otherwise been avoided.  

The first step in the creation of a safe and capable driver is driver education.  In many states, it is clear that driver education is brushed over and not taken as seriously as it should be.  Especially with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many new drivers were able to get their license without proper driver education due to face-to-face restrictions.  To reduce the number of deaths caused by driving, the country must prioritize the driver education system and uphold the proper protocols when rewarding someone with their license.  Without driver education in general, the road would be an even more dangerous place than it has already become. 

There are many steps that can be taken to achieve the goal of reducing the number of deaths caused by car accidents.  Without a doubt, the first step is to reassess the criteria taught in driver education.  From my own experience in driver education, I feel like many things are brushed over and not addressed.  A thorough driver education that highlights many scenarios one can face on the road should initially be taught to new drivers so that they feel more confident before getting their license and driving on the road.  Another step that should be taken to reduce the number of deaths caused by car accidents, is making the actual driving exam itself more comprehensive.  I have heard from many individuals that they barely had to do anything in order to get their license.  Especially during COVID-19, many individuals were able to get their license without taking a test on a real road.  Each person who wants to test to get their license should have to experience a complete driving test to see if they are truly capable of being on the road safely. Last, improvement can always be made by the police force to be able to acknowledge unsafe drivers on the road and stop them before a life-threatening car accident can even occur.  Reducing the number of car accidents can be achieved however, that comes with hard work on both an individual level and state level.      

 Personally, I have experienced the effects of a car accident twice in my driving career.  Both accidents that I was involved in were the other drivers’ faults and I had no opportunity to avoid getting hit in both circumstances.  The first accident was caused by complete carelessness and entitlement from the other driver.  My second accident, that occurred near my college in New Jersey, was caused by a driver who was in a rush and was not paying attention to where he was going.  In my experience driving, I have noticed that a majority of drivers on the road are utterly impatient and seem to be in a rush wherever they go.  Especially since being at school in New Jersey, I have witnessed many incidents due to speeding that could have turned into fatal accidents on the NJ Turnpike and the Garden State Express.  This carelessness can result in car accidents that could have otherwise been avoided, yet individuals continue to treat the road as if they are the only ones on it.  Thankfully I have not sustained any life-threatening injuries from the accidents I was in, however, they have most definitely caused life-altering driving anxiety.  I used to feel very comfortable on the road but since both accidents, I have anxiety attacks from just the thought of driving.  Car accidents and careless driving has caused me to develop a lack of trust regarding other drivers and fear in driving overall.  

On an individual level, there is not much I can do to educate every single person on the road when it comes to being a better and safe driver.  However, I can make an impact on my friends and family by educating them on the dangers that come with driving and explaining to them the importance of safety and awareness on the road.  For me to become a safer and better driver, I have learned that it is imperative to take your time, stay aware at all times, and be confident in your own driving skills.  Every time you get in a car, you are at risk of experiencing a life-threatening car accident so it is very important to understand the rules of the road and stay educated on driving.