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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Staying the Course and Saving Lives

Name: Abby Jones
From: Immaculata , Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Staying the Course and Saving Lives

Driver education plays a crucial role in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving. As I prepared for my own learner’s permit and subsequent driver’s license, I must admit that I was scared…. scared of the idea of driving on my own, scared of the thought of what other drivers might do, and scared of the awesome responsibility that comes with being a licensed driver. Being responsible for my own life and the lives of others while behind the wheel was something that I took seriously. I nervously embarked on the process by educating myself through driver education online that is offered in my state. But my parents knew that my education should also include a professional driving school. This afforded me the opportunity to complete my required number of driving hours, while also learning from the vast experiences of my driving instructors. It was through these lessons and “on-the-road” experiences that I truly learned the most. In my opinion, I feel that some sort of formal driver education should be offered in all school districts, affording the opportunity for all students to take advantage of a certified instructor to complete driving requirements. A goal of our high schools is to prepare lifelong learners and productive members of our society. That can be done, in part, by ensuring that students that become licensed drivers in their state have completed a rigorous and thorough course of instruction, preparing them to be fully educated before getting on the road.

In conjunction with the above-mentioned requirements for education with a certified driving instructor, I also feel that steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. In this age of ever-changing and growing technology, I would like to see that technology used to reduce driving fatalities. Cars are equipped with countless safety features that alert drivers to oncoming traffic, weather related road conditions, and sudden road hazards, just to name a few. Could it be possible that this same technology can be used to prevent drivers from driving while impaired or distracted? Seatbelt reminders are so commonplace on every vehicle. That gentle, soft reminder can suddenly turn into a loud, unstoppable and intrusive chime until that seatbelt is clicked. Is it feasible that this same technology can remind drivers to put down their phone or keep their hands on the wheel while driving? Some may argue that such features would not save many lives and distracted or impaired driving will always occur, but is it worth pursuing if it saves just one life? If it saves your life?

While thankfully, I have never had the experience of being in car accident, I have seen how driving irresponsibly has impacted a co-worker of my parents. In the late afternoon hours of a beautiful autumn day, her husband’s parents were driving home from an appointment when another driver crossed over into their driving lane and hit them head on, tragically killing them both. It was soon learned that the driver was speeding and driving while under the influence of alcohol. In that one moment, countless lives were forever changed…. Lives of the loved ones that were lost, lives of the family they leave behind, and lives of the driver and her passenger that continue to live with the consequences of their choices and actions. This tragedy once again reminded me of the tremendous responsibility we take on every time we get behind the wheel, or even get into a car as a passenger.

There are several steps I can take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road. I can hold myself and my passengers accountable by requiring seatbelt use for all people in the car, and not driving with passengers if there are not enough seatbelts. I can also take control of potential distractions by keeping music at an appropriate volume and keeping my cell phone in a secured location while driving. I can keep my vehicle as safe as possible by keeping up with routine maintenance and care, which allows me to have the safest travel possible. I can also limit the use of “hands-free” calling for necessary phone calls when appropriate. Finally, as a busy college student, I can be sure to allow for adequate time when driving to reach my destinations safely. Whether going to field hockey practice, classes, or simply out with my friends, I want to be sure I will arrive there successfully and safely.