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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Just another day

Name: Julieanna Downes
From: Hampton, Virginia
Votes: 0

Just another day

It was just another day. Every day my mother goes to work, picks up my sister from school, and comes home. Every day at the same time, same schedule. Around 5 pm I expect to hear her arrive home. I’d hear her put her bags down, wash her hands and come upstairs. This was a regular routine every single day. I got so used to hearing her come down and greet everyone, it became a part of my daily schedule. But, this particular day there was a change in my mother’s routine. Today my father picked my sister up from school, which I didn’t think much of. But at 5 pm, I didn’t hear my mother open the garage, I didn’t hear her put her key in the door, I didn’t hear her put her bags down. What I did hear was “Your mother was in an accident”.” All it took was one second, one second then the ambulance flooded the streets, one second the onlookers ran to aid.

When car accidents happen we always assume it could never happen to us, we drive safe so we’re going to be fine. But, that’s not the case. Other drivers exist, and they might not have the same thought process. All it took was one second and my mother’s car was flipped over in the middle of the highway. I knew God was in her presence because she walked away with just minor injuries. The scariest part is that the side of the car that was damaged was the side my sister usually sat on. Meaning I could’ve lost both my sister and mother in one second. My entire routine would’ve been altered by one second. I urge people to practice safe driving because you never know how quickly you could change not only your life but someone else’s. All it takes is one second and your car is flipped over in the highway. All it takes is one second and you accidentally killed an entire family. Safe driving is not just protecting yourself but those around you as well.

When you get in the front seat, you are in charge of the lives of those not only in the car with you but those you are driving alongside. I am forever thankful that my mother is doing so much better, and recovered quickly. She was very lucky because in most cases that’s not the outcome for many people. Many people get the call that they lost their loved one, or that they are in critical condition. But, we were one of the lucky ones. Every time you get in the car and reach your destination safely, it’s important to thank God. You never know who is driving beside you and their intentions. I’ve been in the car with all types of drivers, and in my opinion, if you are riding with an unsafe driver. You are just as wrong. The driver is in control of the car and also your life. Meaning all it takes is one second and both of your lives could you gone. I always urge my friends to Uber or select a designated driver who can ensure we get to our destination safely with no interruptions.

Drunk driving is slowly becoming very prominent in today’s society, we all have the mentality that we are stronger than alcohol but that’s not the case. There have been so many times when people assumed they were sober enough to drive down the street and end up killing either themselves or someone else. It also takes a strong person to say “no” to a drunk person, it doesn’t make you weak but strong. You are taking the initiative to make sure they don’t harm themself or anyone else around them. They may curse you now, but they’ll thank you once they’re sober and realize you were only trying to keep them safe. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of death, that’s a scary thing to think about. Especially when there are so many first-time drivers, elderly drivers, teenage drivers, and families on the roads. A person could be just like my mother, going along their regular routine, and one second later they are turned upside down on the highway fighting to get out. I hope that this essay could help encourage safer driving so that drunk driving will no longer be the reason others can’t see their loved ones. I can’t imagine the pain of saying “be right back” to a friend or family member and never returning. I will continue to advocate for safe driving because it’s not just about your life, it’s about those around you who also have someone at home waiting for them.