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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving Keep Thriving

Name: Ariana Patterson
From: Baltimore, MD
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Keep Thriving

Driving is exhilarating and freeing as one can explore the world as they please with only four wheels, however, many drivers don’t understand the importance of driver education, especially younger drivers, until it’s too late. Within a split second a car accident can occur and will most likely change the lives of everyone in the accident from some individuals facing trauma, broken bones, or even death. Everyone wants their family members to return home safely everyday, however this want does not need to be a strenuous reach but it can be accomplished through drivers education for everyone. Drivers education is about more than learning traffic signals and reading road signs, but also understanding how to respect other vehicles and lives on the roads varying from pediatricians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and other vehicles. Driving is about holding oneself accountable for their actions and preventing accidents on their part to make roads safer, which is why driver education is essential as I will teach people how to keep responsible habits while driving like not cutting in front of tractor trailers, as it is dangerous because they cannot stop within a short frame of time, or not driving while under the influence or driving distracted as it can kill not only the driver but committing the act but another innocent driver who is trying to make it to their destination safely. Driver education can be the difference in whether someone gets to go home to see their family that night, end up in a hospital, or even a casket.

Drivers, regardless of age, never realize the daily dangers presented from driving a car and sometimes they don’t realize how they themselves contribute to lowering deaths that are related to driving. I can explain the common ways to decrease car related deaths like approaching intersections with caution, wearing a seatbelt, nevering drive under the influence, don’t drive recklessly, etc. but that will never actually help many drivers on the road, but a solution that will make drivers use active thinking and make roads safer is teaching defensive driving. Defensive driving teaches drivers to be accountable, responsible, and smart as they learn techniques to leave a margin of error for other drivers and themselves. Teaching drivers to understand that they should always be prepared for any kind of driving and should always predict a possible risk that may arise. Another aspect to learn for defensive driving is to stay a safe distance away from other vehicles, avoid being in others blind spots, and avoid constantly switching lanes. These small rules can prevent an accident due to someone’s lack of attention to their surroundings. Furthermore, keep a good distance from drivers that appear to be drunk, tired, or simply a bad driver and steer clear of any potential road rage situation to increase the safety for everyone on the road. Defensive driving may seem taxing when one is just trying to drive from one location to the next but this kind of driving can be the difference between a smooth ride or a car collision.

As I sat in the school parking lot waiting in a line of cars waiting for students to cross the street, my sister and I felt a sudden smash into the back of the car as my head jerked forward and smacked the steering wheel. I couldn’t fully understand what had happened since my head was throbbing and I was very disoriented until the school principal walked up to us to see if we were okay. Once I had gotten out of the car I realized the force from the collision made the hood of my car slide under the SUV in front of me, making both the hood and the trunk smashed in, essentially the car was totaled. I was so stressed from the situation I started crying because I couldn’t understand what I could’ve done to prevent the accident. That day we went to the hospital, I found out I had a concussion and whiplash which prevented me from playing sports and keeping up with my academics. Although the car accident happened in a matter of seconds it affected me weeks after as it seeped into my school work, my extracurriculars, and much more. Due to a single mistake while someone was driving changed my life for a short period of time, and this thought crosses my mind frequently as I drive as one mistake while I am driving can change someone’s life forever.

As a driver I make a commitment everytime I get behind the wheel that I will drive safely to keep myself and others alive. While I am driving I can implement the defensive driving I had mentioned before because driving safely for myself is not enough but I need to be accountable for all drivers on the roads and always planning for a possible risk. For example, I know I switch lanes quite frequently and I am usually in people’s blindspots. I can prevent accidents on my part by decreasing lane switching and avoiding being in driver’s blindspots. At the end of the day, driving is fun, yet dangerous, and even as someone who has and is still gaining experience on the road I implement what I wrote in this essay as I drive and learn from new experiences that I have while driving on roads.

All in all, driving is a privilege and everyone who has this privilege should know that they have the power to create either safe or dangerous roads.