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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Ashley Hubbard
From: Garland, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is to expose drivers and passengers to the ways that they can prevent driving related deaths and the pain caused by or associated with such events. Educating drivers is the easiest way to prevent these deaths because the actions are the result of each individual driver and their own sensibilities. There are a plethora of government initiatives and groups working to educate and improve road safety for the sake of divers, passengers, and those who have lost loved ones to road negligence or road rage.

The steps that need to be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are to add mandatory driver’s education in schools as well so that students have access to this knowledge and create community programs that raise money for driver education with funds for families that have experienced a death due to a lack of driver education. Building more signs near highways and popular roads to discourage texting while driving will help people stay aware and remind people of it’s effects. The government companies and the driving awareness groups should partner with influencers and popular celebrities to create advertsements discouraging distracted driving.

I feel confident speaking and writing about the importance of responsible driving, because I have seen firsthand how irresponsible driving can affect people. I have had an experiences of being in the car with my friends driving irresponsibly and it is highly aggravating. I push my friends and family to be extra safe and careful when driving especially because we live in an area highly populated by parking enforcement and law enforcement.

I have been in several car accidents in my life. When I was a child, my parents were in multiple accidents with my brother and I in the car. They were at the least unbearably stressful and at worst painfully traumatic. My mom suffered serious imjuries and was rushed to the hospital after one of her accidents. She had a concussion that lead to her developing Bipolar disorder when I was just eleven years old. My family was in and out of hospitals with my mom to support her through her surgeries and recovery. My mother is my disabled older brother’s primary caretaker and even though it has been years since the accident, he still mentions how different she is now from before. He berates the man that hit her because he was texting while driving. I still find it difficult to drive and have struggled with road anxiety. Driver education and awareness of the road may not have prevented what happened to my family but it makes the situation easier to cope with. I can now use my own experiences in the car to guide my loved ones in the right direction when it pertains to their road habits.

The steps that I can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road are putting limits on my cell phone so that I cannot access it while driving. I will focus diligently on taking care of my mental health so that I feel less prone to distraction while on the road. I can start adjusting the car to my needs so I will not be uncomfortable leading to further distraction. I will remember to use all of my signs and communicate effectively with other drivers. While on the road, I will not multitask in the car so I feel less inclined to pay attention to anything besides the road. I will think critically about how my driving effects others and not distract those I am in the car with while they drive. There are many other smaller steps and adjustments that I can make in my life to be a safer driver.

In conclusion, I understand importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths and that real substantial steps need to be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. I intend to do my part as a driver and passenger to educate myself and others. I will be diligent in adjusting my habits to be a better driver. I hope that going forward the number of driver related deaths reduces due to the galiant efforts of charities, companies, social groups, and government initiatives. People deserve to feel as safe as they possibly can on the road with the highest guarantee that they will make it home.