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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Teach Defensive Driving

Name: Mariana Hernandez
From: Houston, TX
Votes: 0

Teach Defensive Driving


The best way to keep our streets safe is to make sure each driver is knowledgeable about the rules of the road and their cars. As I’ve started to learn to drive, there are certain habits good drivers have to get used to, such as having your hands steady on the wheel to avoid drifting into another lane, or adjusting all mirrors to fit your line of sight best. I’m taught to drive defensively, since it’s the best way to avoid accidents and get from point A to B safely. Distracted drivers are the leading cause for car crashes in the United States. Driver education now becomes even more important as teaching new drivers to stay alert and to drive defensively will ultimately be a great way to lessen accidents on the road.

Nowadays, there are several driving programs that are made accessible by providing an online alternative. As someone who is a beneficiary of these programs, the course has to be extremely thorough so that there’s minimum confusion. Many students who take part of these online classes have their parents as driving instructors, which ends up being a huge help since you mix theory and practice all at once. The best advice I’ve gotten is to drive defensively. This would mean waiting a beat when the light goes green instead of accelerating right away, just in case someone tries to catch the end of a yellow light. It means being watchful of cars entering your lane or being mindful of the speed limit. There’s no way to really prepare for a car crash, instead the best steps to take would be to teach driving in a way that helps prevent an accident. Teaching new drivers to drive defensively from the get-go means these drivers will be more accustomed to constantly be watching out for distracted drivers, avoid cars going way beyond the speed limit, and take care of pedestrians on the road. All these good habits that are learned by teaching defensive driving ultimately lead to less accidents and deaths as a result of driving.

Though I myself have never been in a car crash, my mom has been in two. Both sent her straight to physical therapy for knee and back pains, as well as totaled two different cars. The most memorable was the second crash, where our minivan was rendered completely unsalvageable and sent my mom to months of physical therapy. Having to see the consequences of the car accidents for years served to teach me that it’s best to be careful and always have eyes on the road. My mom was much more careful when she was driving and has taught me to be focused and watchful. Since she was crashed into at an intersection where the other driver couldn’t see and decided to merge into the lane anyway, she taught me to be alert each time there’s an intersection. The after effects of a car crash is very real and stays present for a long time afterwards.

The best steps to take to become a cautious and defensive driver is to be patient, alert, and focused. By having these values as a driver, you are less likely to be distracted on the road by something like a phone or passenger, and alert of your surroundings, focused on the cars and pedestrians around you. A good driver takes care of others on the road, which is a trait that should be taught from the beginning by any sort of teacher, whether it’s an online course or face-to-face. As a driver, we can make the roads safer by being considerate of vulnerable parties like pedestrians, bikers, and even older or younger drivers. Controlling your emotions when you’re at the wheel is extremely important since rash decisions like a lane change or speeding on a yellow light can have disastrous effects. If we work on improving our reactions to external factors like slow drivers or changing signal lights, it would be a lot safer for ourselves and surrounding drivers when on the road. Don’t try to speed in a yellow light, always signal a lane change, and drive defensively. No appointment, party, reunion, nothing is worth putting yourself in danger of an accident, and it definitely is not worth putting other people in jeopardy.

Driver education is the most important factor regarding safety on the road. Distracted drivers and new, uncertain drivers alike can be the cause of an accident, and it is up to cautious drivers with experience and preparedness to react well. Good drivers who drive defensively can adapt to their environments and are watchful for oncoming cars, pedestrians, and always keep safety in mind. By having these traits as a driver, we can greatly decrease the number of accidents and deaths on the road and keep the street safe for everyone.