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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Call for Safer Roads: My Commitment as a Civil Engineer

Name: Luiza Simoes Sette
From: west yarmouth, Select State
Votes: 0

The Call for Safer Roads: My Commitment as a Civil Engineer

Dear National Driving and Traffic School Selection Committee,

The topic of safety on the roads is a crucial one that transcends beyond rules and regulations. As a budding civil engineer and a responsible road user, I strongly believe that the key to safer roads lies within the harmonious combination of various factors, such as advanced infrastructure and careful driving practices among drivers.

The concept of a “safer driver” is multifaceted and encompasses not only obedience to traffic laws, but also awareness of the circumstances that surround us. From understanding road signs to acknowledging how different weather conditions may affect driving, every bit of knowledge can greatly contribute to our driving safety. However, translating this understanding into practical application remains a challenge for many.

Driver education is critical in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving. Proper driver education can help drivers understand the rules of the road, learn how to operate a vehicle safely, and make informed decisions while behind the wheel.

Driver education programs typically cover a range of topics, including traffic laws, defensive driving techniques, and safe driving practices. These programs can help drivers develop the skills and knowledge they need to make good decisions while driving, avoid accidents, and reduce the risk of injury or death.

In addition to teaching drivers how to operate a vehicle safely, driver education programs can also help drivers understand the risks associated with driving. For example, drivers may learn about the dangers of distracted driving, drunk driving, and speeding. By raising awareness about these risks, driver education programs can help drivers make informed decisions and avoid dangerous behaviors while behind the wheel.

There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, the first is education. Providing drivers with the knowledge and skills they need to make good decisions while behind the wheel can help create safer roads and communities.Law enforcement can play a critical role in reducing the number of deaths related to driving by enforcing traffic laws and cracking down on dangerous behaviors such as drunk driving, speeding, and distracted driving.Engineering and Technology are steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Improving road design and infrastructure as well as advances in vehicle technology, such as automatic emergency braking, lane departure warnings, and blind spot detection, can also help reduce the number of deaths related to driving by alerting drivers to potential dangers

By taking these steps, we can work together to reduce the number of deaths related to driving and promote safer roads and communities.

A car accident can be a traumatic and stressful experience for those involved. I have never had an experience of being in a major car accident. Although that was the one day that I was talking with someone on my phone and rear ended a car in front of me. I had my phone on speaker and that wouldn’t be a problem, but on that day I learned that while driving every distraction could cause an accident.

To reduce the risk of car accidents, it’s important to practice safe driving habits such as obeying traffic laws, avoiding distractions while driving, and driving defensively. Fostering the mindset of being a safer driver requires recognizing the role we play as individuals in the larger context of traffic safety. Looking ahead, I envision using my civil engineering education to ensure that roads are designed and built in a way that minimizes risks and encourages safer driving practices. I foresee creating infrastructure that lends itself to effective driver education, making safety a much more achievable goal.

Being awarded the Driver Education Initiative Award scholarship would serve as both crucial financial assistance towards my education and a reaffirmation of my commitment towards safer roads. It would substantiate my resolution to incorporate safety into my engineering designs, and most importantly, it would lend me the encouragement to be an advocate for safer driving, both on and off the road.

In conclusion, I deeply appreciate the National Driving and Traffic School for providing an avenue to foster dialogue around traffic safety, through this scholarship. I am committed to using the knowledge from my civil engineering study at Umass Lowell to significantly contribute to this conversation. Let us all be safer drivers, for our sake and for the sake of others.