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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Ronald Mahackian
From: Fresno, California
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Education

Driver’s education is incredibly important for new drivers to learn, especially because of the lives it can save on the road. According to the Annual United States Road Crash Statistics (ASIRT), more than 46,000 people die in car crashes each year. Not only can lives be lost on the road, but family members and friends of people who tragically died in car accidents can be impacted by the incident for life. About 66% of Americans experience driving anxiety according to thezebra, however, with an increased amount of driver’s education, people can be less worrisome on the road. These are some of the reasons that show driver’s education is a necessity in the world, and we should make efforts to increase the availability of it.

Along with traffic laws and driver responsibilities, driver’s education teaches people about road safety and avoiding accidents. In the California Driver’s Handbook Study Guide, many tips for road safety are taught, such as how to be aware of your surroundings by keeping your eyes moving and scanning the road at least 10 seconds ahead of your vehicle, how to avoid tailgating by leaving 3 seconds of space between your vehicle and the one driving in front of you, and how to check your blind spots often (areas you cannot see when facing straight forward and driving), along with more. The handbook also suggests in the Driver’s Safety section that if you are concerned about your driving ability, you should ask a trusted driver with a driver’s license to be in the passenger seat and observe your driving, asking them to note any dangerous behaviors or mistakes you may be making. The handbook also encourages you not to look at your phone and drive at the same time (distracted driving), which about 3,000 people die from each year according to Forbes.

According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a study that followed more than 150,000 teen drivers over eight years found that driver’s education significantly reduces crashes and traffic violations among new drivers. Respecting traffic laws, driving as carefully as possible, and being confident in your driving are some of the most important steps drivers can take to be more safe on the road. I believe that there should be efforts made to get these simple messages advertised on billboards to attract a large amount of people. If a billboard is put on the side of a busy highway and has a message such as “Always remember to drive carefully!”, many people will see it and it may remind them that they should be careful on the road. Commercials should also be made showcasing the importance of driving safely on the road. A driver themselves should always keep in mind that they should drive carefully and respect traffic laws at all times so they can prevent accidents or potential death.

Throughout my life, I have been impacted by car accidents heavily. In 2018, my mother was driving home from a city multiple hours away and unfortunately fell asleep at the wheel, crashing the car into a tree off of a highway. She nearly broke her back and had significant damage to her limbs (they have healed since then). The car was totaled in the process. I was very worried about my mom after the incident, she is thankfully okay now. However, it is an important lesson that shows that you need to be careful on the road and that you should never drive while tired. I have also been in situations where the driver of the car was texting or was on the phone while driving. While none of these situations lead to any accidents, it is still a worrying situation to be in if the driver is not paying attention to their surroundings. Car crashes can not only be bad for the person driving, but can be fatal for the victim.

To be a safer driver, I should always take into consideration the most important aspects of driving safely. Things such as respecting traffic laws, driving as carefully as possible, and being aware of my surroundings are among some of the most important tips to keep in mind. To help myself do this, I can study the driver’s education handbook multiple times a week, and I would encourage others to do the same. In order to become safer drivers, people should realize the importance of not getting in a car crash. Getting in a fatal car crash can be horrible for your family as well, and it may take them years to recover from the incident. To help yourself and others, always remind yourself to be careful on the road.