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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Safe is the New Wave

Name: Amir Whitaker
From: Philadelphia, PA
Votes: 0

Driving Safe is the New Wave

One thing my Grandfather told me is that driving isn’t something that is to play with, because people’s lives are on the line, you can’t just say “Let me try again”. This was advised after I didn’t listen to him while practicing driving. This same advice can be of major importance to help reduce the number of deaths from driving. Many people need that one person that is stern with them to straighten them out and we all need that one person especially when we’re driving because driving is a privilege and it’s something not to be played with because you’re dealing with people’s lives. If a lot had this pondering over their head I’m sure it would make us take a second thought of picking up our phone while driving, or picking up alcohol at a party knowing you have to drive yourself or your friends back home. Not many people have a good influence to educate them when it comes to driving and this can be some of the results that can cause deaths in driving accidents. If we all have that positive person that can educate us when it comes to driving and not give in the wrong and carelessness when it comes, this will educate people on the importance and safety of driving.

These are the first steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Another few steps are accountability, sobriety, and being focused. A Lot of things we humans don’t have is “accountability” especially when it comes to driving, there are so many news articles and feed that I see of driving accidents that cause death and most people that cause it because of ignorance don’t take accountability for the mistake they did, which can cause another tragic death from driving and because that didn’t take accountability the first time it could’ve been avoided. Secondly sobriety, it’s not just about drinking but sometimes it can be drugs or even music, these things sometimes if we don’t know can distract us from focusing on the road,

drugs themselves can take you somewhere you don’t want to be and your mind could be somewhere else, when we need to be focusing on the road. This is where focusing comes in, we need to focus on the road at all times, especially at night and on the highway, these are usually where accidents are frequent, if we just focus on the road not eating, or switching the song on our phone. I have been not in an accident or some form or have witnessed family members act irresponsibly while driving road rage or speeding on the yellow light when we are supposed to slow down. I’ve seen my father scream and curse in the car while being in the car. It’s Not the best feeling. I’ve also seen my mother be on her phone at times and sometimes she would stop in the middle of the road at a green light and I would have to remind her that it’s her light. Other than that, I’ve witnessed car accidents or heard them happen to others and God willing I don’t experience one.

To avoid this I believe the steps you can take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road, is first is the initiative of using common sense. We know the basics of what to do and not do when it comes to driving, no drinking, no texting. So, let’s stop telling ourselves that we can handle it knowing we can’t and we try to convey ourselves we do and this ends up causing and sadly taking someone’s life. Common sense takes us a long way and that’s one of the many blessings God granted us, but we don’t use it to our advantage. Secondly, although as small as it sounds, putting your seatbelt on, I guess as soon as we are confident with our driving or we feel comfortable with the driver, we feel as though there is no need to put a seatbelt on. This is something we shouldn’t do because one small decision can take our life or someone else’s, this is what seat belts were made for and sometimes we don’t get that through our heads. Thirdly the phone, as widely as it is enforced in newspapers and advertisements we

still don’t care because we think we can multitask but we can’t when it comes to driving and I believe that’s another and final step when it comes to being a safe driver. Multitasking, we can’t multitask while driving. Driving is something that needs our full focus all at once and this can truly be the starter step on becoming a safer driver