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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Collision Accidents don’t stop at just the car but the drivers themselves

From: Buffalo, New York
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Collision Accidents don’t stop at just the car but the drivers themselves

In New York city there have been studies that state that there have been about 624-625 collision accidents that occur every single day. These accidents include motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrian collisions making it almost 227,760 collision accidents every year in New York alone!

There are many types of collision that all have different impact on the victims that face it like Head-on collision, Side impact accident, Teen driver car accident, Rollover accident, Rear-end accident, Hit and Run accident, Self- driving car accident, Road hazard, Drunk and impaired / Drug affected driving, Mechanical malfunction, Distracted Driving. There have been many tragic deaths that have changed peoples lives and how they go about their lives. The most frustrating thing that people come to realize is that these incidents can be simply avoided if drivers were to embrace the existence of safety on the road and take it seriously. Drivers should acknowledge where these collisions start and how to actively avoid these collisions and their consequences.

The most significant way to keep a driver and their passengers safe is to always alert everyone about seatbelt safety. Before pulling off to ride to a destination, make sure you’re buckled up and ready for your drive. “According to the Motor Vehicle Safety division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this reduces the risk of death and injury by nearly 50%.” (Mark P. Vergnano- Paragraph 5)

Never go behind the wheel when intoxicated, driving while being drunk or drugged is extremely reckless to yourself and the people around. Even when you think you’re not that intoxicated or “you can’t feel it”, just a little bit can compromise your abilities on the road. Even medication given from your doctor can affect the way you drive! It is best to stay in your car until the next day, or to get a drive home leaving your car where it is. Your safety is way more important than your car.

Speeding is also one of the most common causes of collision accidents. Never think that a meeting, social gathering, etc is more important than your safety causing you to speed through traffic. Remember you are driving a very big machine of metal that can be extremely harmful at high speeds. NEVER BE THE AGGRESSOR. Do not cause something harmful to impact your lids just because someone had cut you off. Always keep a calm, positive, yet alert mindset on the road and don’t let your emotions carry you to something you may regret.

The person that is texting will not go anywhere so keep your phone as far away as possible to avoid texting and driving. Distractions on the road are another common occurrence that causes accidents. If that certain text or call is way too important to decline, make sure you pull over safely and use your phone once your car has come to a full stop and is parked. Distractions do not just stop at your phone but can also vary to your radio in front of you or GPS tracker.

If you’re a newer driver, try to avoid driving at night. When driving at night, your visibility will be extremely reduced and the risks of driving can be higher. The weather can also be a big factor in collisions, especially rain. Rain creates more slippery and slick surfaces making it harder for car tires to grip on the road. Just remember to be extremely careful during these days and if you don’t feel comfortable driving, it is okay to ask someone to pick you up. The winter months can be very dangerous. Snow can mix with water and become slushy and ice can be difficult to see and prevent. This danger can be escalated since most people do not know the proper protocols. Keep extra distance between you and the car in front of you, decrease your speed, go easy on the breaks at stops, and if you do hit ice do not slam on the brakes.When driving in the day, stay alert. If you witness unsafe driving, don’t be afraid to report it. Not only are you protecting yourself but we are protecting the people around us, both drivers and pedestrians. If you feel fatigued or drowsy immediately pull over your car safely and rest.

Not listening to any of the traffic lights or signs is another common occurrence with drivers, especially when speeding. Not paying attention to your signs is not only extremely dangerous but ILLEGAL. This can cause side impact or rollover collisions that could result in death. Make sure you come to a full stop and look both ways before starting your journey again.

Last but not least, don’t be afraid to get involved in or support organizations that work toward improving road safety.