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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – My Uncle Bill

Name: Morgan Zagorski
From: Indiana, PA
Votes: 0

My Uncle Bill

Distracted driving has had devastating impacts on my family through the loss of one of our loved ones. My Uncle Bill lost his life as a victim of distracted driving. This personal impact has had great influence on my driving habits as a driver and my opinions on distracted driving as a whole. Now that I know firsthand the consequences of distracted driving, I ensure that I am a more responsible driver so that another family does not have to endure the pain of losing a loved one due to the mistakes of others.

On June 1st of 2012, my uncle Bill was walking home from dinner alone when a young girl hit him with her car as a result of distracted driving. This young girl and her friend were racing down a busy road when my uncle was hit and thrown twelve feet through the air, leaving only a single shoe behind on the road. From this accident, he was brought to the hospital where he had such severe brain damage that he was put on life support. The accident occurred on a Friday night, but it was not until the next Tuesday that the doctors could determine whether he would survive or not. A week later, on June 8th, my aunt had to make the difficult decision to take my uncle off of life support, leaving her to finish raising three kids on her own.

My cousins lost their father only in adolescence due to another’s irresponsible decisions. They have been living life without the guidance of their father simply because another person wanted to participate in thrill-seeking behaviors on the road. Since this accident, my uncle has missed them going to prom, graduate high school, graduate college, and start their adult lives. There will be countless more milestones that will be missed due to preventable actions.

Because of this personal impact, I’ve taken precautions when driving. I put my phone on silent. I keep the music volume low. When my friends are in the car, I do not focus on their conversations. I never get behind the wheel while intoxicated. I wait to check my phone until I arrive at my destination. I take these precautions to avoid making irreversible mistakes. More people can put effort into avoiding casualties from distracted driving. People can take precautions like I have, or even more, to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the road. People can put in this effort if not to be selfless and protect others, but at least to protect themselves.

In only a matter of seconds, multiple lives can be changed. A driver can become a murderer. A pedestrian or another driver can become a cadaver. A family can become fractured. Upon impact, one hit can end lives and change the lives of others. Those injured by the consequences of distracted driving are not the only victims. Those surrounded by the victim(s) will forever be changed by the loss of someone important in their life. A family can lose a father. A woman can lose her husband. A child can lose their uncle. A person can lose their brother. In each person living through the loss, there is more understanding of the true influence of distracted driving. While these actions could be avoided, such stories can be shared by us to explain the dangers of distracted driving.

I spread this story to those who will listen. This may include people on the internet or law firms who will publish it. Too many people have been hurt from distracted driving, and it is time that people learn that this can change. It takes the individual to be responsible for their decisions. Even those who are passengers can speak out against irresponsible driving that they see. Changes can be made easily for every driver. People can learn to wait to pick up their phone. If necessary, changes can be made to make applications more accessible where needed. No text or game is more important than someone’s life.

I have seen first-hand the impact of distracted driving on the victims and their loved ones. These destructive actions come with devastating consequences. Because of what my family has lost due to distracted driving, I have taken multiple steps to make myself a safer driver to protect myself and other drivers around me. Others can learn from these actions and take action themselves. Drivers can collectively put more effort into making roads safer. Even if one person changes the way that they drive, they could create safer roads for others around them.