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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Unfortunate Ignorance of Driving Safety

Name: John White
From: Columbia, Maryland
Votes: 0

The Unfortunate Ignorance of Driving Safety

The introduction of cars and other automobiles as the standard for transportation has come with many good and bad outcomes in the preceding future. The plus side is that with how they can be manufactured, cars can be owned by pretty much anyone who can afford one, which does help the continually growing population of the world. The main downside to come with this influx of cars is the potential for accidents and danger for others, especially in more cramped and busy areas like large cities.

As time has gone on, vehicle related accidents and deaths have risen by a large margin. Every year, there are at least a million deaths related to vehicles and traffic and is considered the leading cause of death in the United States. It has been made plentifully clear that moving vehicles can pose a risk of safety to everyone around it, as well as the people inside of it. The explanation for these incidents can be explained to several causes. These can include irresponsible actions from the driver, like consuming alcohol before driving, which is typically illegal in America. One of the more common reasons for these accidents can be explained due to improper driving skills by the driver. Whether it be an improper time to take a turn, not noticing what they are driving towards due to a distraction, or any other error in understanding the rules of driving, these have become more common as time has gone on. This is why it is important for driver education to be considered crucial for everyone to learn before going behind the wheel.

Despite the efforts made to state how important safety and education are for drivers, this has still done little to decrease the number of accidents appearing daily. In my opinion, I believe driving education isn’t being given the attention it deserves with how prevalent it has become in our lives. For a good majority of the population in the United States, transportation via driving can be considered as much of a necessity as taking care of the bodily needs of oneself. This is due to how much people can depend on vehicles as a source of transportation to much needed places like work or for shopping. For people trying to make a living in more open country districts where locations of interest are more spread apart, transportation is pretty much a necessity for anyone. With the increase in population, this importance of how everyone needs to drive only highlights the need for proper driving education, as the more people who go out driving, there is only a higher likelihood for vehicle deaths to occur.

When I moved into college in a new apartment with roommates, there would be many occasions where we needed to drive out, usually for picking up stuff or going somewhere to eat. During this time, there would be several occasions where I would feel my roommates were driving improperly. One roommate who is prescribed to wear glasses occasionally prefers to not use them while driving, and there have been times where one would be driving with a slight intoxication. Along with driving in a busy campus area, these irresponsible actions while driving have led me to have less trust while catching a ride with my roommates. For any passenger, the need for trust from the driver is a bond as important as the precautions for driving safety. It is true that no one can be a perfect driver, as mistakes can be made, and emotions can get the better of us. These minor mistakes are only made bigger when those actions could threaten the lives of those you care for and those who are willing to put trust in you.

Here are the steps that I and anyone looking to be safe while driving should take. First, before driving, I should make sure I am prepared to stay safe on the road through checking the mirrors, getting in a comfortable position, and generally familiarizing myself with the layout of the vehicle. On the road, I should focus on driving defensively, and if I can avoid areas that can be riskier to drive in. I will be sure to follow all the rules of the road, following the directions of stop signs, stop lights, and staying within the speed limit. With passengers, I will be sure to keep the ride a comfortable for everyone in the vehicle, and if as a passenger I notice my driver may have made a mistake, I will notify them so they will be sure to learn from the mistake.