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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driving Education

Name: Braxton Isaiah Greene
From: Valdese, NC
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Education

The importance of driving education is to make sure that drivers can understand the dangers of driving, the rules of the road, and how one mistake can be life-changing for you and the person who was involved in the car crash. Driving can be a very useful thing to get around from one place to another. From picking up your friends for socializing, to go get groceries, going to work, or school, and running errands. We do not need to take driving for granted, but some of us do. The dangers of driving are crashes, drunk drivers, road rage, and people in police chases getting into a crash. To reduce the number of deaths from driving we must teach people how to drive safely, teach them how horrible drunk driving is, and show them what happens if you do any of these things and do not follow the rules of the road.

There are some steps to take to reduce the number of deaths while driving. We need to Make sure the new drivers on the road can sense when something may happen. To do this, we need to be able to teach drivers to be always alert, keep your eyes on the road, and try to be one step ahead when it comes to what lies ahead of you and behind you. It’s important to teach people how dangerous driving is and not just let them go through the Drivers Education courses and pass them because they participated. It is a privilege. It is not something that anyone can achieve at any time, or at least it should not be. It is something the Drivers Education teachers should also be doing to make sure that the new drivers on the road know how dangerous driving can be and for them to know the consequences of poor driving.

There are some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of accidents. One is making sure people can drive by increasing the difficulty of the driving portion of the test. Let’s make sure people can drive and not just let them through with no testing on the driving portion. Making sure the new driver on the road is not just the only thing we can do to take steps into reducing the number of deaths for drivers. We can test the driver every so many years to make sure they are still capable of driving safely and will not be a danger to themselves or anyone else. Let’s say maybe every 10 years. We can also enforce the rules of license checks to make sure people still have a valid license. If they get caught speeding, they will get a hefty fine and the fines will keep increasing. If they keep getting more tickets, eventually their insurance will increase, they get their license taken away, and they lose the privilege of driving. Drivers will tend to be more of a safe driver if they know a policeman is watching them. The best way to make sure people are driving safely is by hiring more policemen and have them enforce the road laws a lot more.

I, myself, have never been involved in a car accident, but I know a few people that have. My mother is one. She was a senior in high school. She was not responsible and decided to pull out in front of someone. She was being careless, but thankful no one was hurt. Also, thankful that her vehicle and the vehicle involved were only going about 20 mph. My mother learned her lesson, paid her fine and fees, and she is now so much more of a careful driver. So, there was a valuable lesson for her. She was very young at that time. She has grown older and wiser with her driving.

I have a friend that recently been involved in a car accident. This accident only involved him. He hydroplaned on a very rainy day and hit a tree. This accident left him in the hospital for 55 days. He was placed on a breathing tube, he had to learn to walk and talk again, and he is having problem with short term memory loss. He has rehab and a long way to go but is getting better and better every week. He is only a senior in high school. So sometimes car accidents can involve other cars, and sometimes it can be just you and some rain puddles.

There are many steps we can take to be better drivers. We can enforce stricter rules. We can have the teaching of Drivers Education be more thorough and last longer, and we can learn to be more vigilant when we drive. A lot of good driving comes from experience, and that takes nothing but time. Even if we don’t feel it ourselves if we got enough teaching and if we don’t understand, then it is our responsibility to speak up. That is a part of being a responsible driver.

I will benefit from this scholarship because I have experience of knowing people who have gotten hurt in car accidents, and that alone has made me be a better driver and want to aid others in the same way. I want to help everyone be a better driver.