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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Driver Education

Name: Malayisha Jacobs
From: Charleston , South Carolina
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver Education

You learn about driving responsibilities, road safety, and traffic rules through driver education. Driving education is crucial in lowering the number of traffic-related fatalities. Driver education programs help to make roads safer by encouraging responsible conduct, raising hazard awareness, setting up a culture of safety, and working with law enforcement and policymakers. Developing hazard awareness abilities is one of the most important components of driver education. Driver education prepares students to recognize potential dangers and foresee hazards, giving them the knowledge and confidence to act responsibly in a variety of scenarios. Individuals learn to notice and react appropriately to a variety of road situations, including inclement weather, road construction, and unexpected impediments, through interactive training and practical exercises. Teenagers who do not attend driving school are 75% more likely to break the law and receive a ticket, 24% more likely to be killed in an accident, and 16% more likely to be involved in collisions. Overconfident teenage drivers tend to drive recklessly. The following actions can be taken to lower the number of fatalities on the roads: Defensive driving essentially entails following the law and driving sensibly. Keep your eyes forward, drive slowly, respect traffic rules, and tell your friends and family to do the same. There would be much fewer fatalities on the roads each year if we all constantly did these things. Be sure to buckle up and never drive after drinking. Finally, be aware of your speed. Pay attention to your lane position and lane changes. Take Extra Care Around Pedestrians, Bikes, Scooters, and Kids Respect the “Two Second Rule” and don’t tailgate. Keep a safe following distance and avoid driving aggressively. Be Courteous and Keep an Eye Out for Red Light Runners. Getting refitted is the first step you can take to improve your driving. Are you seated comfortably in relation to the steering wheel? Are your mirrors correctly adjusted? Would raising your seat allow you to view the road more clearly? It’s likely that you’ve been driving your automobile in a particular way for a while now and are unaware of your bad habits. Stop multitasking, secondly. Driving for many years may have given you the impression that you can do it without thinking. Because of this, you might fiddle with your phone, play DJ, drink coffee, fiddle with the navigation system, or have in-depth conversations while you’re still driving. All these factors increase your chance of accidents, especially as your reaction time and general vision deteriorate. Next, get to know your car better. Lane-drifting alarms, parking sensors, and other safety features are just a few of the latest advances in automotive technology. However, many senior drivers with decades of driving ability might not use all the technology that is already present in their automobile. A short safety check should be performed. Spend more time preparing for your trip: “We’re more at risk if we hop in the car and go, and we just don’t spend a minute adjusting our seats, checking our mirrors, and making sure our seat belts are on”. Finally, extend your distance. While it’s crucial to keep up with the flow of traffic, giving other vehicles a little additional room won’t do any harm. The three-second rule to keep in mind: Select a standing structure next to the road in front of you. Keep track of the moment the rear of the vehicle in front of you passes the object. At least three seconds should pass before the front of your car approaches that object. Yes, I have been in vehicle accidents in the past, but none that I can specifically recall happening recently. I am aware that many car accidents occur every day and every week, some of which result in only minor injuries or damage to the vehicle alone rather than fatalities. While some people may be fortunate to exit the door unmarked, others might be unlucky and exit the door differently. Fortunately for me, I’ve never been in a car with a careless or drunk driver. Most people may believe driving while inebriated is OK at the time without considering the potential consequences of what could occur in an instant. We as adults and young adults need to take everything into consideration before driving carelessly if we want to see a decrease in the number of fatalities caused by drivers. One, we must refrain from drinking and driving; it is best to stay put or have a sober driver. Last but not least, remember to put down your phone and focus on the road.