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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Towards a Better Future

Name: Maxwel Hein
From: Appleton, Wisconsin
Votes: 1

Driving Towards a Better Future

Operating a vehicle has become a significant aspect of the American lifestyle. Consequently, driving is an endeavor accomplished by millions of Americans at a daily progression. While providing an efficient mode of transportation, the incorrect operation of a vehicle can have destructive consequences. Hazardous driving habits have caused many mortalities and injuries in the United States. Frequently, vehicle accidents inflict traumatic effects on the participants and compromise their capacity to retain a vigorous life due to adverse physical and psychological ramifications. Unfortunately, several accidents transpire as a product of a driver’s negligence or lack of education which can solely be prevented by introducing amateur drivers to competent road behavior. While not experiencing a vehicle accident myself, I have ascertained the calamitous effects it reaped on my grandfather. 

While several of my relatives have been afflicted by vehicle accidents, the most grievous embroiled my grandfather. My grandfather was traveling on a highway when a youthful driver crossed a junction amid the freeway and a separate street without halting at a stop sign. The driver struck the side of my grandfather’s vehicle, causing it to roll several times. My grandfather endured serious trauma and required several days in the hospital before he was completely rehabilitated. My grandfather’s automobile was also absolutely impaired. This condition introduced an extensive burden on the psychological health of my family and peers, as many relatives and friends anguished over the agony of my grandfather. This hardship could have been prevented if the responsible party practiced attentiveness to their environment and perceived the stop sign. Thus, appropriate discipline in driving may have hindered this collision and therefore ceased the suffering of my family. a

Driver’s education is crucial to ending excessive fatalities and injuries throughout the United States. Many vehicle accidents occur as a result of a driver’s lack of ability or inadequacy of environmental awareness. In advising students on fundamental driving skills such as concentration on their surroundings, competent signaling, and how to appropriately operate arduous roadways such as intersections and highways, they will advance their security while reducing their threat to other drivers. Additionally, through disciplining amateur drivers on the significance of driving virtues, such as abstaining from use of the phone when operating a vehicle, they become inclined to transmit those ethics to their peers, creating a constructive societal influence greater than the driving education of an individual student. Lastly, if one encounters themselves in an accident or perilous circumstance, instruction on the proper response such as finding a secure parking location and contacting law enforcement is indispensable to avoiding the establishment of a worse condition. 

To lessen the number of fatalities while driving, it is relevant to prevent negligence. An accident becomes far more likely when one ceases to offer complete awareness to their environment. This can be caused by an individual’s absence of focus or distractions such as their passengers, phone, radio, or surroundings. A driver’s concentration can also be impaired by substances such as alcohol, mind-altering drugs, or strong emotions such as anger caused by road rage. It is paramount to aid in the understanding that focus is essential to maintaining reliable driving practices. Thus, passengers should be advised to abstain from disturbing behavior. Drivers must be encouraged to avoid using their phones when driving, abstain from operating a vehicle when under the influence of a substance, and not permit their focus to stray from their environment. They should frequently check their mirrors and windows to build a conception of their surroundings. Drivers should also learn to avoid acting upon their emotions to deter collisions related to road rage and ensure their vehicle is in proper driving condition to reduce the likelihood of a vehicle malfunction. Individuals should be enlivened to educate others on these driving practices and advocate against hazardous behavior. In doing this, perilous driving conduct would diminish, creating dependable driving conditions throughout the United States. 

I can contribute to secure driving conditions by exhibiting appropriate conduct while compelling my peers to follow. By abstaining from speeding, being vigilant of my surroundings such as by checking my mirrors and the vehicles near me, signaling at turns, activating my lights during night hours or poor weather conditions, and performing other safe practices, I heighten the security of myself and peers. I will also eradicate distractions by requesting my passengers to behave responsibly and listen to the radio at a moderate volume. One’s phone is also a considerable disturbance and is the origin of many collisions. To combat this, I will cease to use my phone for any function beyond directions when driving. To ensure my concentration is suitable to operate a vehicle, I will be aware of my physical and psychological conditions and warrant I do not drive if I am injured, exhausted, or debilitated in another way. By holding my peers liable to the same practices, I reinforce their safety, limiting the threat they present to other drivers. Also, individuals I discipline become more likely to inform their peers about adequate driving conduct, augmenting a wider diffusion of exceptional driving practices. 

In conclusion, driver’s education is critical for preventing injuries and fatalities when operating a vehicle. This education could have prevented the trauma of my family and has the capability of preventing many further catastrophes. To avert vehicle accidents, drivers must be disciplined on safe conduct and adequate treatment of their vehicle. I can contribute to reliable driving conditions by being heedful of my surroundings, ensuring my concentration is competent, and strengthening my contemporaries to also follow driving customs. If these practices are implemented, mortalities and injuries induced by accidents would decline in the United States.