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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – I Feel the Need…. The Need for Speed

Name: Emma Brooke
From: Daytona Beach, FL
Votes: 1

I Feel the Need…. The Need for Speed

Driver education is one of the most important teachings in a person’s life. While on the road, not only does how you drive affect yourself, but also everyone on the road around you, pedestrians and drivers alike. Many accidents on the road come from ignorance. Ignorance can be avoided. Ignorance is caused not from stupidity, but from lack of knowledge and information. Stupidity is caused when someone is not ignorant but chooses to ignore the knowledge they have. Sophomore year of high school is one of the most important years throughout a student’s high school career. In health class of this year, many schools have a driver’s education class. Here students learn the rules of the road and take their written exams for their permit. The fact that schools take the time to teach teenagers this information should illuminate how important drivers’ education should be.

Driving results in thousands of deaths DAILY around the world. I mentioned above that many accidents result from ignorance. If ignorance is the lack of knowledge, how do we gain the knowledge? Easy! We educate those drivers on the road, even before they get a start on the roadway! Driver’s education covers all aspects of driving. From road signs to emergency maneuvers, to rules and regulations, these classes can help prevent innocent people from losing their lives. Many accidents are easily avoidable. Proper turning, safe stopping, and how to react in the event of an emergency are all skills that can be learned through reading and classes. Obviously, no educational class is fool proof, and skills need to be practiced to really know what to do, however the understanding of these situations can help when they occur. By properly educating drivers on how to drive, we can lower the number of deaths caused by ignorance on the road.

Multiple steps are required to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Obviously, there are no foolproof ways to avoid accidents. It is unrealistic to believe that the number of deaths due to driving will be 0%. However, if is possible to lower the statistic. First, driver’s education classes should be mandatory for everyone. Anyone interested in getting their license, no matter what their age. Additionally, retesting should be required after a certain number of years. If a person fails their retest for their license, they should have to retake a driver’s education course. This ensures all drivers are up to date on the rules of the road and that their skills are still sharp. A split-second delay in reaction time can be the difference between life and death, so it is of the upmost importance that all drivers are sharp. Next, the number of accidents caused by unsober drivers is high. If there is a high or drunk driver, they are immediate hazard for all drivers following proper driving protocol. There has to be a way to eliminate these drivers from the road, as they are causing innocent lives to be lost. I think this is one of the most important steps in reducing the number of deaths due to driving. Now, sometimes accidents are caused by the conditions around the driver, rather than being completely the fault of the person operating the motor vehicle. I have been on plenty of roads where the roads themselves are the problem. Roadways with unclear lines, confusing lanes, and the god forsaken round abouts get complicated. On the other hand, there are roadways where bushes and trees cause blind spots around turns and corners, where it is impossible to see oncoming traffic until the motorist is halfway into oncoming traffic and at that point, they are T-boned. Our roadways need to be safe for drivers. If we require the drivers to be sharp and on top of their driving, the roads need to be on top of maintenance to allow for safe driving conditions. Proper road care will help reduce the number of driving deaths.

Unfortunately, I have been on the receiving end of a car accident. I was once rear ended due to the driver behind me not paying attention. When a truck in front of me decided to stop short, I was forced to slam my brakes to avoid hitting the truck. Fortunately for myself and the large truck ahead of me, I was able to stop in time. However, the guy traveling behind me was too close and not paying attention. He failed to apply his brakes quick enough, and rear ended me. Thankfully no one was hurt. A second time, I was driving on slick roads due to rain, as I was driving on the highway, a lady decided to suddenly pull out in front of me. I reacted quickly, hitting my brakes. However, due to the wet roads, my truck slid and after I avoided sliding into oncoming traffic and a phone pole, I hit her rear fender. In my favor, the cops analyzed skid marks and when I told them what happened, the evidence supported my story. The lady told the cops I was trying to speed past her on the road’s shoulder. Not the case. Both experiences were not bad. I, along with the other people involved, walked away unscathed, and with minor vehicle damage.

When it comes to driving, there is always room for improvement. There is no such thing as the “perfect driver” no matter how hard you try. I know I have a problem speeding on the road. Despite always focusing on the road, speeding is still dangerous. I criticize my friends for speeding, so I should take my own advice and slow down. For others to become safer, I want to help them learn to expect the unexpected. Most accidents happen because you don’t expect something to happen. If you already expect the person in the merge lane to cut you off, you can be better prepared for when they inevitably do.