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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Life-Changing Message

Name: Brianna Madore
From: Fort Myers, FL
Votes: 0

The Life-Changing Message

I was horrified. These disturbing images were now ingrained in my mind: a car crumbled into pieces, a hole in the front windshield, and the distorted features of a human body fighting for life in the ICU. That was my experience on the first day of my driver education class. A trauma nurse came to speak to my class about the dangers of reckless driving and its unfortunate consequences. Although the images and stories she revealed were gruesome, I became exponentially more aware of my actions while driving. I took the idea of being a defensive driver to heart, which was the key concept of this class, as it is vital in reducing motor vehicle-related deaths.

The importance of driver education classes, such as the one I participated in, extends beyond learning the fundamental skills of operating a vehicle. Although it is crucial to understand the rules of the road, us stubborn-minded teens must also understand the “why?” The impactful presentation I received in my driver education class gave a clear answer: to protect lives. Not only does reckless driving put the driver at risk for injury or death, but it also endangers the lives of the innocent civilians around them; such as the mini-van with a family full of young kids on a way to the soccer tournament, or the father on his way to his son’s graduation. Taking your eyes off the road to check the message that came through on your phone, or to change the song on the radio, can never justify threatening the lives of others. My driver education class helped me see the bigger picture and understand that the culmination of my actions will affect more than just one person. By helping teenagers grasp that concept, driver education classes help save lives.

Due to the fact that my drivers education course had such a profound impact on my mindset while driving, I believe that having a mandated renewal of the course after a designated number of years could be extremely beneficial in reducing the number of driving-related deaths. Not only would this provide drivers with a refresher on some of the rules of the road that might’ve slipped their mind over the years, but it would also give them the opportunity to review why it is so important to adhere to those rules. After all, a driver with say twenty years of driving experience can be just as much of a threat as a newly licensed teen driver if neither of them are following the rules of the road. The laws are in place for a reason, so it is crucial for individuals of all ages to have a clear understanding of them, and how detrimental it can be to disobey those laws.

I have been incredibly lucky and I have not been involved in a motor vehicle accident. However, I have been ridden with a number of irresponsible drivers. My most common experience has been drivers distracted on their phone. It seems as though today’s drivers have unfortunately normalized this hazardous behavior. Countless times I have pulled up to a stop light to see the drivers next to me and behind me looking down at their phones. This selfish behavior puts themself and everyone else around them in danger. Driving is a task that requires the utmost focus. When individuals are not completely concentrated on the road, they become a hazard. In that split second that a driver shifts their attention from the road to their phone, a number of disasters could happen. For example, a pedestrian could cross out into the road, a vehicle could emergency brake, or a car may have to suddenly change lanes. In none of these instances, or ever, could someone justify their inability to react in time with the notion that they wanted to reply to a text, or play their favorite song. It only takes a split second to have a devastating and life-altering effect on a human life.

Since I am a young driver, the number one action I can take to become safer on the road is to continue practicing my driving skills in a variety of situations with a more experienced driver with me. This way, when I face the circumstance on my own, I am prepared to navigate it safely. When driving, I have learned that a number of unpredictable instances will arise. However, the more conditions I face while having guidance, the safer and more skilled I’ll become. To aid others in being safer drivers, I can ensure that they remain focused when I am in the car with them. When they try to go on their phone, I can remind them to stay focused on the road, and offer to send a text, navigate, or put on their desired songs for them. By doing this, I can ensure that there is at least one less distracted driver on the road—which could be the difference between life and death.