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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Drive Safe or Not at ALl

Name: Lila Rothenberger
From: Fargo, north dakota
Votes: 0

Drive Safe or Not at ALl

When I was younger, the biggest thing I looked forward to was turning 16 and passing my drivers test. I think that is something every kid looks forward to. Being able to drive gave me a new sense of freedom but, driving is a privilege and not a right. Little did I realize all the responsibility that comes with having a driver’s license. Growing up I would hear about car accidents on the news and I would think to myself “that will never happen to be I’ll be a good driver”, now that I can drive I know that sometimes it doesn’t matter how good of a driver I am, something could still happen. I realized how responsible I needed to be very quickly though.

` The best thing any driver can do to keep themselves safe and others safe is to acknowledge and understand that accidents can happen, but they can be prevented by being smart, observant and careful. If you are not those three things, there is a much higher risk of putting yourself or someone else in danger. However, there are drivers out there who are not responsible and they do not drive smart. They do risky maneuvers such as running a red light or a stop sign and that increases the risk of an accident. Then there are other drivers who simply do not understand traffic laws and rules and just one mistake can cause a crash.

Defensive driving is how, in my opinion, everyone should drive. It means being observant, watching where other cars are and what they are doing. If you can keep yourself out of the way of other cars, that is a good way to be safe. It might not even be your fault if an accident happens, but if another driver isn’t paying attention something might happen to you too. Being observant and paying attention to your surroundings is so important. If you notice a vehicle approaching early, you might have enough time to get yourself out of the way. As a driver, you should not expect other drivers to yield to you even if you have the right of way, some other drivers do not care who has the right of way. Always double or even triple check before crossing any intersection, changing lanes, etc.

Safe drivers should know when they are okay to drive and when they are not. If a driver is overly tired they should not drive. If a driver is lightheaded they should not drive. If a driver is under the influence they should not drive. If a driver is any of the things I listed above they could harm themselves or someone else while driving. There is a reason it is illegal to drink and drive, it takes peoples lives. If a driver decides to get behind the wheel in a condition where their body and brain cannot function properly they are not being a safe or smart driver. Driving takes a lot of mental focus, it is not as easy as it looks. Whether a driver is in a high traffic situation or a small quiet suburb, the driver should be paying attention to their surroundings, not checking their phone.

Any vehicle on the road should be in proper working condition. The air bags should work, the brakes should work, all of their lights should work, the engine should work and the seatbelts should work. The windshield and windows should also have no obstructions blocking the drivers view. Vehicles can break down and stall and be an obstacle for other drivers, it is important to be checking a vehicle and maintaining it to lessen the chance of it breaking down. Vehicles can be hard to spot at night if the lights are not on or do not work.

If a driver cannot be safe, responsible, smart and observant while on the road, they should not be on the road at all. It not only puts them in danger but other drivers and passengers. One small thing can happen or not be done right and people can get hurt in the blink of an eye. Driving is a privilege not a right, drivers should respect other drivers. Another thing most people don’t think about when they talk about being a safe driver is keeping their emotions in check. Emotions are a huge mentally, it can influence you to make different decisions than you normally would. Road rage is an example of that. A driver becomes angry and lets the anger take over. The road becomes a dangerous environment for everyone in that situation. Driving can be dangerous, be smart safe and responsible.