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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving education is a game changer

Name: Devin Gibbs
From: Winston Salem, NC
Votes: 0

Driving education is a game changer

Distracted driving can be an especially serious threat to teens. I experienced how serious an accident can be in May of this year. I was in an accident. I was hit by a teenager that had no driver’s license in Winston Salem, North Carolina about 10:00 am during finals week at my college. The person that caused the wreck was a middle schooler. The teen took his parents’ car without their permission. My friend and I were both hurt as a result. Grateful it was not fatal;however, my car that I had for only seven months was totaled. So, I understand the importance of being as safe as possible all the time. My May 2023 experience taught me a lot. The feeling of being helpless with airbags coming out full speed is eye opening. I am of the opinion that driving is not to be taken lightly. Young drivers may develop dangerous habits behind the wheel that put themselves and others at risk, including cell phone use, eating/drinking/adjusting radio/GPS settings/talking to passengers/talking about other issues besides the road (cell phone usage etc). In the essay, I will share my thoughts on driving education, steps to reduce driving deaths, and my pledge to help with keeping people safe while driving

My mother enrolled me in a defensive driving class after my accident. Initially, I did not want to go because I felt the accident was not my fault and I drove responsibly. After the class got underway, I felt different. The host, police, and state troopers were very nice. I was happy to be apart for many different reasons. This is a class that changes lives. My viewpoint changes while learning in a borrowed car in the motor park.  You learn the importance of driving education in real time behind the wheel. Also, State troopers and Concord Police discussed road safety that prevents many dangers of the road. A few examples are as follows: Not driving with passengers that are prone to distracting you while driving, safe following distances, how to correctly use mirrors, and how to handle a vehicle when faced with a situation that occurs in a split second that could be dangerous. We, also, learned the story of the Herbert brothers that died because of driving recklessly at high speeds. One thing is for sure is we learned alot and it was fun how the 3 hour course was presented. All-in-all drivers education is important because it can keep you safe, keep you from hurting others behind the wheel. Lastly, driving education can give you hands-on experience which is priceless. I wish this was required for everyone because it makes you aware and gives you a different ideas of how law enforcers see things. This was helpful as well.

To keep yourself safe and reduce the number of deaths behind the following can be done:

Make sure cell phones are off and out of sight – this is one of the biggest distractions for teen drivers – by silencing one’s device and placing it into either the glovebox or backseat before starting a vehicle. Furthermore, One can inform friends and family members that while driving calls or text requests will only be answered during emergencies or under extraordinary circumstances after pulling over to a secure and safe location.

I pledge not to consume food and beverage while driving and adjust radio settings while doing so. Instead, meals will be eaten before or after driving while water can only be drunk from bottles with secure lids. Finally, my radio and GPS settings should be programmed before leaving home so adjustments at stop lights won’t require me taking my eyes off of the road for extended periods of time – potentially increasing my risk of accidents significantly.

I will also try to limit conversations with passengers that require me to respond frequently or become animated, reminding them I need to focus on driving while telling them not to divert their conversation from essential topics such as driving. Should the dialogue become distracting or become offensively heated, I will politely remind passengers I must keep my eye on the road and concentrate on being safe while on it.

Finally, I pledge not to multitask while driving. Distractions quickly add up and can harm my driving performance; thus I plan on giving driving my full and undivided attention during difficult driving conditions such as heavy traffic jams, poor weather or night driving conditions.

By taking these steps, I hope to not have distracted driving habits and remain a safe driver. Distracted driving should never be worth risking injury to myself or others – these actions will enable me to drive defensively and responsibly, safely arriving at my destination on every trip without distraction. By eliminating distractions behind the wheel I hope to remain an attentive, confident driver with long-lasting skills – skills which may last me my whole life long!