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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – “It is More Than Transportation”

Name: Skyler Clay
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

“It is More Than Transportation”

Driver Education teaches people the rules and techniques necessary for safe driving. It is extremely important for people to have knowledge of these principles. Every single guideline is created in order to establish the respect, safety, and wellbeing for the person in the car and on the road. Thus driver Education provides people with the knowledge necessary to protect their own lives and the lives around them. It teaches one that there is more to driving a car than pushing the gas and break. Death can be prevented if people are made aware of the many aspects and factors that come with driving a vehicle. Driver’s Education, as my mom always says, “teaches one how to be an offensive and defensive driver. Aside from driver education teaching one the rules of the rode provided by the law, it also explains the importance of the state of mind the driver must have. In other words, it explains the fact that a person should not drive while under the influence of alcohol. This may not be the primary or commonly recognized portion of driver’s education, but it is certainly a crucial part to preventing the number of deaths as a result of driving.

I believe that one simple step that can be taken to reduce the amount of driving-related deaths is to increase the number of radar speed signs on the road. Not only should there be more implemented on side streets, but more importantly on the highways and interstates. Another step could be for new channels, radio stations, and social media networking companies and influencers to heavily promote the importance of following driving laws. Given the way society operates, it should apply that the more people are exposed to the importance then the more they think about it. Companies like Apple, Netflix, and Walmart are all able to be so successful because of their promotion techniques. People want Apple because they are constantly exposed to ads and commercials about the newest item. People are continuously flocking to netflix for shows and movies because of their constant promotion through commercials and social media. The same applies to Walmart because information about deals and affordability are consistently provided to the public. Thus, we must implement all of these marketing techniques when explaining the importance of driving safely. Additionally, all car companies could take the step to build alcohol interlock devices into all of their cars. Every car should be built in a way that it is able to detect the level of alcohol from one’s breath upon entering the driver’s seat.This would be an extremely effective step in preventing car crashes as a result of drunk driving. I believe that the government should take the step to make this a law.

I have seen my sister drive extremely recklessly. She tends to go well above the speed limit which frightens me every time I drive with her. When she drives it seems as if she just has one thing on her mind: get to where I need to go. She only drives as an offensive driver and cuts people off or quickly changes lanes without any turn signal. It is extremely dangerous to only rely on the fact that you are the one driving the car. I would feel much more safe if she considered the fact that the person in another vehicle may be having a bad day or be intoxicated and consequently not tolerant of her reckless driving. This so often leads to road rage, which honestly my sister experiences also. Road rage causes her to act irrationally when driving and make potentially harmful decisions simply because of impatience.

In the end, everyone just wants to make it home alive. I try to pray everyday that God will be with me when I am driving. I am not able to control what other people do in their vehicles. However, I will make the decision to control my own actions. Hence, I will follow my mother’s advice about actively being an offensive and defensive driver. One of the most basic steps I can take is always being aware and alert of surrounding vehicles. This can be done by frequently checking my rearview and side mirrors. The aforementioned precaution will also help others. I may be able to see an incoming car when they are not. Thus, staying aware can possibly save my life as well as my friends and family.Another step that I can take is properly stopping when I see that there will be a red light. Although I do not enjoy having to wait at a red light when I could have tried to make the yellow light, I know that it is safer to slow down and not try to beat the light. As someone who is on social media, I can use my platform to encourage my friends and followers to take heed to driving laws. I can make my best attempt at enforcing the importance of abstaining from drinking alcohol before driving. This may seem extreme, but one’s tolerance is not always predictable and taking a chance is not worth taking a life.