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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Drivers Ed

Name: Sowmithra Muthulakshmi Prakash
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Ed

The words “your dad is dead” fell on the ears of a young 16 year old girl. A motorcycle accident changed the trajectory of her life forever, making everything after a struggle, from continuing her education in a rural village to getting married. Fast forward a few years, she moved to America with a newborn baby. That baby was me. My grandpa died in a motorcycle accident long before I was born. Whenever I visit my mom’s hometown, people still speak of his greatness and helping attitude. Growing up, I would see my parents donating monthly to a new gofundme for a family who lost a loved one due to an accident. The loss of a life has a long lasting impact on a family. My widowed grandma is still scared to cross the road. She never learnt how to drive a scooter, car, or even a bicycle. In fear of something happening when she goes alone, she takes the bus everywhere.

I was the first grandkid on both sides of the family. Each of my milestones were celebrated in a grand manner. Driving my own car was not greeted with that same excitement. Was I too young? Would I be ready? Many concerns were raised. My grandma was extremely nervous, but I, on the other hand, could not wait. When the time came to get my own permit at 15 ½, I was beyond excited, only to be disappointed when learning I’d have to wait until I got my SSN. I was the oldest of the friend group, but one by one each of my friends got their permits and licenses. All I wanted was to drive my own car with music blasting and talking to friends.

Eventually, I got my permit. That desperation to drive soon turned into a regard for caution and safety when I saw videos of what could happen with distracted driving. I was going to simply learn from my dad and save money, but I am so glad that my parents made me go to a driving school. I learnt so much more than what I would have learnt from my dad. From a neutral 3rd party adult, I was able to listen and understand much better how distracted driving can be fatal and how vital following traffic regulations are. I began with a driving simulation that went over all possible scenarios. When I began to drive on the road, my first major mistake was not looking at all sides when turning right on a red. While I looked to the left to check for incoming cars, I failed to check for cars that were turning left into the lane I was turning right into. If I simply learnt driving with my dad, this point would not have been hammered into my head as much as it was with driver’s ed. Minute details such as this are why driver’s ed is necessary. For my dad, he has been driving for 20+ years. These simple clarifications do not seem essential to mention. On the other hand, driving instruction classes clarify every single detail.

Also in driving school, I was shown videos of family members who lost loved ones to car accidents. Driver’s education provides the understanding of the value of life and emphasizes how rapidly things can change in a moment. A common understanding is that people do not understand the pain felt by others until they themselves experience it. In terms of car accidents, this first hand experience should be avoided at all costs. Videos of affected family members convey the importance of following traffic regulations and paying attention to the road. This in turn helps decrease the number of deaths as a result of poor driving.

As I began to finally drive on my own, I had to really look at what steps I could take and give to others to contribute to safer roads. It began with myself. Several of my friends sought to ignore the ‘driving one other family member for the first 6 months after getting your license’ rule. Not all of my friends had driver’s education prior to getting their licenses. Due to this, several of their opinions often differed from mine. I had to educate them on the importance of being safe and why rules should be followed. This started with staying firm on my decision to not drive my friends till after the six month mark. While I did have to endure being called goody two shoes, I do not regret my choice in any manner.

According to studies, major reasons for teen car accidents are distracted driving, drinking and driving, and driving with teen passengers. Knowing this, I thought about what can be done differently to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. I believe there are 2 major points: more robust drivers ed and communication. Starting with the first point, Arizona, specifically, does not have required drivers ed in schools. When taking my permit, there were a few short videos, but that was it. This is not enough. Teen drivers already have a lack of experience. In this case, adding a lack of driver’s education is a dangerous combo. Sitting in the driver’s seat comes with a great responsibility, a responsibility for not only your own life, but also the safety of others on the road. The second point is important for people of all ages. Specifically, as a teenager, high school parties and staying out late is quite common. It is vital that teen drivers not only communicate with their parents about when they leave and reach a place, but it is also necessary to speak of driving plans within a friend group. Having a driving system established is a top priority in my friend group, which has made us feel safe and our parents sleep better at night.

At the end of the day, people can choose to ignore all the information they receive or they can take a moment to listen. Adhering to traffic rules creates safer roads. This provides mutual benefit to all individuals on the road, from passengers and drivers to pedestrians and workers. Furthermore, it ensures that a family has all its members at the end of each day. Driver education is vital for all civilians due to the fact that it brings up details people might forget and qualifies the responsibility that comes with a driver’s license.