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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Truth Behind A Driver’s License

Name: Anthony DelliCompagni
From: Wilmington, Delaware
Votes: 0

The Truth Behind A Driver’s License

When people are young, they dream of growing up. As they start to reach a more mature age, certain highlights of being “older” race through their heads. One of the biggest highlights of growing up is most definitely getting one’s drivers license. When we are young, the thought of being able to go where we want, when we want sounds like a dream come true. With a driver’s license, a new sense of freedom and responsibility is placed on every 16 year old who passed their exam. What we fail to realize is that with driving, comes many dangers. No one ever thinks that they would be pulled over by a cop, hydroplaning on an icy/wet road, or even getting into a car accident. Why would we? No one wants to think about any of these negatives. But, it is extremely important to recognize that these things do happen. Without proper knowledge, drivers won’t know what to do in a situation like this or what to do to prevent a situation like one of these. That is why driver’s education is extremely important. In drivers education, upcoming drivers learn of every possible situation one may encounter while driving. Both the good and the bad. You learn the rules of the road, the laws behind driving, common courtesies of driving, and even penalties and punishments of reckless driving. Along with these, students are taught how to drive safely, how to park, what to do if you are in a negative situation, whether that be an accident or hydroplaning. Every single piece of knowledge taught in driver’s education is crucial to the new drivers. Not one piece of information should be left out. This information is crucial to ensure new drivers know what they are doing and ensures they will abide by the laws and rules of the road, which helps prevent any fatal accidents therefore reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving.

Many steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Drivers can, and alway should, wear their seat belts to ensure their safety while in a vehicle. Drivers should always drive the speed limit, sometimes slower in bad weather conditions. Drivers should always look both ways multiple times before turning down a street/road to make sure it is safe to turn. It should be common knowledge to all drivers to always stay focused and to drive cautiously. Always obey signs. For example, don’t roll through stop signs, yield when required to, prepare to stop at yellow lights, and finally stop at red lights. Drivers can also limit distraction in their vehicle, whether it be music or family/friends distracting you. Use your words and politely ask for them to take it easy so you can focus on the road. All drivers should always remember that you are in charge of your life and any other in your vehicle when you drive. Of course, drivers should never get behind the wheel if they are under the influence of anything. Another thing all drivers can do is always making sure they turn their turn signal on if they are switching lanes or turning. Drivers should also always make sure their headlights are on when needed. Lastly, drivers should limit driving if they are tired and should always make sure they can clearly see the road, whether they wear contacts or glasses. These are just a few steps drivers can take to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving. There are many more. In all honesty, if you think it is unsafe to do it while driving, you probably shouldn’t do it.

I speak from experience. When I was in 7th grade, my mother, brother, and I were involved in a car accident. As we were driving through a green light, another car turned and ran into the front left corner of our car. Luckily, nobody was injured but it was an extremely scary experience. It all happened so fast but felt like it was in slow motion at the same time. This is a prime example of driving safe. Always be sure you keep your eyes peeled while driving, whether you are turning or even driving straight. You might not think something like this would happen to you, but there is always that chance. It is important to understand that every driver is taking a huge risk whenever they get behind the wheel, which is why it is so important that they learn how to drive safely and the rules of the road. This is why driver’s education is so important.

Every driver can do their part to keep the road safe. For me personally, I can limit the amount of time I drive when tired or even slow down some in poor weather conditions. I can make sure that I keep my glasses in the car just in case I need them, especially at night when it is harder to see. I, along with every other driver, can follow the steps listed above, and so many other steps, to be a better and safer driver. Following these steps leads a good example to all other divers on the road, especially newly licensed drivers.

Overall, driving leads to too many deaths throughout the year. It is important that new drivers are taught everything they need to know in order to help them drive safely so they can avoid any accidents or any other risk of driving. Each and every driver now can also limit the bad habits we all have when it comes to driving. By doing so, we can all do our part in helping to prevent the number of deaths caused by driving.