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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Importance of Good Drivers for Dummy’s

Name: Jaxon C. Egge
From: Orefield, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

The Importance of Good Drivers for Dummy’s

Driving is the most popular form of getting around in today’s day and age, more than 282 million registered vehicles were in the United States alone, in 2021. In the same year, the United States had over 330 million people. Now, even though not every person has a vehicle, it’s safe to say that these people probably found public transportation to be their way of getting around. Whether or not an individual owns a vehicle, proper safety and education is vital to upcoming drivers, and veteran drivers. Students also need proper knowledge of the complexities and challenges of modern day driving, and obviously plenty of preparation for that world. The numbers of cars and drivers will just keep rising, and the following paragraphs of this essay will explore the best options.

Firstly, driver education programs are the greatest ways to introduce new drivers to the world of driving. Comprehensive training will be implemented, and those who aspire to be safe, responsible drivers will succeed. This is only theory, and classroom learning is very different from out on the roads, but these students will be able to learn how to read road signs, they will learn of traffic laws of their state. Programs in a high school can also teach students how to treat their vehicle, and the basic composition of their vehicle. In a sense, what does what, and how to fix it if something goes wrong. Driving programs where students can have a proctor in the vehicle are also very useful. They can give kids monitored experience on the roads, at speeds appropriate to their learning. This is where students learn how to follow at a safe distance, adhering to speed limits, merging, all of which are vital to becoming a responsible, defensive driver. They lay the foundation of avoiding hazards, how to predict hazards and acting with caution on today’s dangerous roads and highways.

Secondly, driver education programs help reduce the chance of accidents, because the more experienced a driver is the less likely they are to fall victim to an accident. Studies prove that inexperienced drivers are also more likely to drive impaired, distracted, or at speeds that would endanger other drivers and their environment. While participating in these programs, students can learn what the consequences are for driving impaired, or falling victim to an accident. Some classes can even watch something more interesting than drunk driver accidents, like the Will Smith movie, Seven Pounds. Which gives a realistic perspective into the guilt that a person could feel when they injure or kill other drivers while driving impaired. With a dramatic ending of course, but the plot of the movie stays true to the point. Driving distracted is also the biggest cause of accidents in the United States. Risky behavior is not cool, and it only increases your likeliness for falling victim to a dreadful accident. Students will learn in these programs as well the consequences after driving under impairment, or driving with a cell phone in their hand. All programs should address continually the seriousness of safe driving, and why it is so important not to give in to distractions.

Thirdly, and arguably the most important in the real world of driving, is traffic laws. Instilled knowledge of the laws of driving can help in many fields when out on the roads, this is what a well-rounded driver education program should offer. By learning the “rules of the road” individual drivers are at least more likely to follow the law, and if an accident happens they can learn how to handle it correctly or to the best of their ability. Driver education programs can teach these traits, as well as leading to a reduction in traffic violations. Students will learn that battling the law can lead to points on their license, fines, and even license suspensions from serious violations. If teachers can emphasize the importance of following traffic laws, a more harmonious flow of traffic on the roads will be the product of such time and contribution from high school programs.

In conclusion, driver education programs are quintessential to the new drivers, and they play a crucial role in reducing accidents, ensuring road safety, and making responsible drivers. Giving individuals the necessary knowledge from these programs is not something that should be passed up, and should be taken advantage of. Governments, educational institutions, and communities need to recognize the vitality of driver education. They need to allocate the resources to give the new drivers of this world the best safe and responsible driving practice they can offer before students enter the real world.