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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driver Education

Name: Joslyn Harsh
From: Canton, Ohio
Votes: 0

Driver Education

Some people may not realize the importance of being an educated and safe driver. The importance of becoming an educated driver is extremely important. It could possibly save someone’s life and yours. You should know the basics like paying attention to speed limits, wearing your seatbelt, knowing when a child should be in a car seat, road signs, lights, along with knowing what to do when emergency services are trying to go by. Also knowing that you should not text and drive. These basics are common deaths and are preventable because it’s basic knowledge every driver should know. I’ve never been around to see or experience my friends or family driving irresponsibly. Thankfully I’ve never had to worry about that. But other drivers are what I need to worry about, especially the ones who text and drive. One day I was on a highway driving to the movies with my friend Nate. We were in the second lane out of three and an oncoming exit. The car was heading to the exit but severed over from the first lane then in front of me then into the cement wall. The car’s front end was completely smashed all the way in and the mirrors went flying into the lanes of the highway. Luckily I knew that car was going to do that and I had time to miss the car and avoid us getting hurt. Why you may ask, it’s because I saw them on their phone. It was a shocking and scary moment to come across. If I didn’t notice soon enough we could’ve been seriously injured or could possibly have ended in a tragedy. The driver ended up making it out alive and didn’t end up injuring others. By not paying attention and texting and driving you could kill youself or end up killing others. You have to be fully aware of your surroundings and of what you are doing at all times. You can’t send a quick text, that “important” text could be your very last one. Vehicles aren’t toys, they are heavy machinery that can be considered a weapon. From that day I’ve learned to always be aware, not to text and drive. Texting and driving is such a common death that can be avoided in many ways. A few things you can do to avoid being tempted of being distracted is to put your device in the glove compartment or in the center console, or simply putting it on do not disturb, along with driving mode on. Another simple step of safety that could keep yourself safe and save your life is simply wearing your seatbelt. I know some people are against it because of the way it feels. My Dad is one of those people but he still wears it. You never know what could happen. In accidents they save lives by holding the person down, preventing them from flying out the windshield or holding them in one spot avoiding any further injuries. People who don’t wear them and end up in an accident ending in death could possibly be avoided by taking ten seconds out of your time to buckle up.You should always wear your seatbelt along with making all other passengers wear theirs especially children because they can save their lives too. A step to prevent these types of accidents is before you take your vehicle out of parked, take those ten seconds to buckle up. Another important educated safety tip you need to know is what to do when an emergency vehicle is trying to get by is to pull over or switch lanes if possible to get out of their way. These people are trying to get to others to save their lives. Not only is it what you’re supposed to do but it’s respectful and what a good citizen would do knowing they could be the person who needs to be saved. Being a safe driver you should always be aware of the speed limit. You should never go way too fast above or way to slow below the speed limit. Both could lead to possible death by hitting others or others hitting you. Lastly you should know what all signs and lights mean. Running a light or a sign can not only get you in legal trouble but could kill someone. You should always follow the rules and regulations of them. If you don’t know what some road signs mean you should do some research but only when you’re not driving. These are a few safety and basic road education tips that can save millions of lives.