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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Drivers Seat: A Safer Tomorrow

Name: Piper Gail Funk
From: Bourbonnais, Illinois
Votes: 0

In The Drivers Seat: A Safer Tomorrow

Driving is a significant milestone that teenagers look forward to when they turn 16. It gives them the freedom to travel independently, go to school, visit friends, and even secure jobs more easily. However, it is also one of the most risky things you can give them. Unfortunately, driving is the leading cause of death worldwide, and the numbers continue to increase every day. It is crucial to ensure that young drivers receive proper training, follow traffic rules, and drive safely to avoid unnecessary accidents and fatalities.

To obtain a driver’s license, every driver needs to complete a course called drivers education. The course teaches students about the rules of the road, how to operate a motor vehicle, what to do when stopped by police, and how to be responsible when driving. Once the students pass this course with at least 75% or higher, they are eligible to take the permit exam, which allows them to start practicing to become a licensed driver in their state. To achieve this permit, they need to score an 80% on their driver’s permit test. While practicing their driving, they must complete a total of 65 hours with a licensed adult and follow the wheel instructor course to obtain their license. By the time the students reach their 16th birthday, they will know everything they need to know about the rules of the road and what is expected of a new driver.

Unfortunately, not all drivers take the responsibility of their driving privileges seriously. Some become careless, especially during their teenage and early adulthood years or when under the influence of something. This reckless behavior has deadly consequences, resulting in an annual death rate of 32,000 and 2 million injuries from car accidents. In 2022 alone, 27,046 individuals were arrested for DUI, and 254 people lost their lives in alcohol-related crashes. These numbers are alarming and illustrate the dire consequences of careless driving. We all must take the responsibility of driving seriously to prevent ruining the lives of people around us.

It is important when teaching the next generation of drivers. We educate them on the safety of operating a vehicle so hopefully we may see these numbers slowly but surely start to decline. And save the lives of so many individuals. We need to educate the importance of driving safety to new drivers such as them knowing how to be morally responsible. If anything driver education classes need to help motivate new drivers to advocate for better driving responsibilities. From themselves, their peers, family members, and their community. Educating them on the importance of safe driving and being the case that helps to slowly decrease the number of car accidents and fatalities.

Common causes that lead to car accidents are speeding, reckless driving, distracted driving, drunk driving, drug-impaired, driving while drowsy, running red lights and stop signs, tailgating drivers, improper turns and lane changes, and lastly not yielding in the right of way. Most of these causes do not lead to death which is the best-case scenario in every car accident. Unfortunately, cases such as distracted, drunk, speeding, and drug-impaired driving are when car accidents start to turn deadly. In a car accident, the parties involved can suffer common injuries such as head and brain, neck and brain, burns, broken bones, cuts and lacerations, internal injuries, spinal cord, and whiplash. The injury, although it does not seem deadly, can take a dark turn when injured parties suffer multiple injuries or when one injury is the leading factor. Steps that we can take to help reduce the number of deaths from these common injuries in a car accident are too. Turn on do not disturb while driving, follow all rules, regulations, and responsibilities that are expected of a driver, never drive under the influence of anything, and if you see a family member or friend driving under the influence do not let them drive, educating yourself on any new rules that are being implemented as well as helping educate new drivers as well and always paying attention to every surrounding. With these steps in place, each of us can take one step closer to helping reduce the number of deaths. Helping to make sure that these types of injuries do not cause the death of anyone else.

I have never personally witnessed any accidents since I have been driving or since I have been with other drivers. Thankfully the individuals that I trust to drive me around pay attention to every single detail and can avoid being in an accident that could have deadly consequences. Although I have heard about and been able to see photos of the damage that occurred when individuals I know were in an accident. One accident that I will always remember is when my mother was hit by a drunk driver while waiting at a stoplight on her way home from her night shift in the ER. Luckily my mother was fine, she suffered minor injuries and the vehicle was okay as well. If you are in an accident what you need to do is check your immediate surroundings and move your vehicle to a safe space, check on the other party/parties if you can, and immediately call the police and needed medical personnel. If you cannot move because your seatbelt may have stayed fascinated, turn on your hazard lights. When in an accident stay calm, assess the damage and never leave the scene of an accident even a minor one. When the police arrive, provide your information (insurance and driver’s license) and tell the police exactly what happened.

Steps that I can take to insure that I can be a better and safer driver are to educate myself on new road regulations, always have my phone on do not disturb, and always pay attention to every single detail around me. Helping others to do the same and motivating them to become a safer better driver. Knowing that a lot of drivers I know who are younger do not always tend to follow the rules. Educating and teaching them about the deadly effects of their consequences and how to be responsible drivers can help to decrease the number of deaths in car accidents.

Before closing I want to make a point in how we can reduce the number of drunk driving deaths. If you know that you are going to be out drinking and do not have a designated driver. Use rideshare or public transportation. Be responsible about how much you are drinking. Do not allow your friends or family to drive drunk and help them understand their actions. Call a family member or friend if you have consumed too much alcohol. Lastly, if you can stay the night wherever you were drinking or wherever you may be able to. Therefore you are not injuring yourself or the lives of others.

We all can take steps to become better drivers and to keep the roads safer. As they say, “Your actions speak louder than your words.” This is exactly true in the case of driving. You may say that you are going to follow all the laws and do what is morally right but if you don’t your actions may have deadly consequences.