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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Brianna Milazzo
From: Commack, NY
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

Driving can lead to fatal consequences if drivers do not pay attention to the environment around them, follow the proper speed limit, or if they consume illegal substances while driving. Driver education programs play a crucial role in reducing the number of deaths caused by driving by teaching new drivers the rules of the road. The importance and main goal of driver education is to produce safer drivers. Driver education programs provide both the skills and knowledge that are needed to become a competent, confident driver who understands the importance of safe driving. These safe driving skills learned through driver education programs are crucial for the prevention of serious car accidents which prevent future deaths on the road.

Driver education is a top priority when learning the very first steps of driving a car on the road, teaching you the importance of vision, reaction, and judgement. One of the first and most important steps taught in driver education to reduce the number of deaths that result from driving is to always wear a seatbelt. The simple task of putting on a seatbelt can help to keep you safe in the event of a car accident. In addition, driver education teaches drivers to always watch their speed and to stay within the posted speed limit in order to always stay in control of the car. Other important factors to being a better and safer driver that driver education teaches is to make proper stops at a reasonable distance, and to always use blinkers when making turns. Following all of these skills taught through a driver education program will reduce the number of deaths that result from driving.

I personally have not had the experience of being in a car accident, but I did witness a close family friend driving irresponsibly which unfortunately did result in the death of another person. He made the horrible choice to drink and drive, something driver education teaches us impairs critical driving skills and leads to a lack in judgement, and impairs vision, effecting reaction time. Due to this impairment, the driver drove his car at a very high rate of speed around a sharp curve in the road which caused the car to flip numerous times before hitting a tree and landing upside down. Fortunately, he and his front passenger were wearing their seatbelts which ultimately is what saved their lives. Unfortunately, the rear passenger was not wearing his seatbelt and was ejected from the back seat of the car, a decision that resulted in the loss of his life. He died immediately from the impact of being thrown from the car because he chose not to wear his seatbelt and the driver was sentenced to prison because he made a choice to drink and drive. The result of driving irresponsibly created an enormous ripple effect that changed the lives of many people.

Having witnessed such a tragic event has shown me why it is important to always put all your attention and consciousness on the road. The steps I would take to be a better and safer driver while also helping others become safer on the road are first to never drink and drive and to always put my seatbelt on as soon as I get in the car. While these are both simple decisions, they are also important decisions that do reduce the number of deaths that result from driving. I will also drive attentively and avoid any distractions such as cell phones, eating while driving, and playing with the radio. I will share the road with other motorists, but will also always drive defensively by staying alert, controlling what I can, and by being prepared for the unexpected as much as I can.

Most car accidents are due to a lack of responsibility and an inability to have self-control, making it of the utmost importance for a driver to always keep his/her eyes on the road. Going to a driver education program creates a supervised environment to practice the necessary driving skills that are needed to learn the responsibility of driving and the self-control that it takes to keep everyone safe on the road. Driver education teaches people how to drive safely and know and understand the consequences behind the wheel if not taken seriously by teaching the rules of the road and why those rules need to be obeyed. In addition, driver education emphasizes the importance of driving safely in order to prevent future accidents which reduces the number of driving related deaths.