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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Cost of Carelessness

Name: Cherysse Nichols
From: Kearneysville, WV
Votes: 0

The Cost of Carelessness

I’ve experienced how valuable Driver’s Ed is and how it has helped me improve as a driver. Driver’s ed has played a critical role in reducing the number of deaths by teaching young teens the skills and knowledge necessary to drive safely and responsibly. Driver’s Ed teaches the dangers of driving specifically under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the significance of wearing seatbelts, and the proper way to use child safety seats. Our Drivers ed teachers provided stories of real-life victims who have experienced the aftermath of driving under the influence or not wearing a seatbelt which opened my eyes to how surreal reckless driving is and how one mistake can lead to a fatal ending. Now whether or not you ever come to be in a situation involving reckless driving it is important to know what to do if so. You need to recognize and respond appropriately to hazards on the road, such as other drivers, pedestrians, and road conditions. These skills alone have instilled a sense of responsibility and accountability in new drivers by emphasizing the importance of safe driving and the potential consequences of reckless or careless behavior on the road. All these skills Driver’s Ed teaches have already helped reduce the number of deaths due to the result of driving. We can continue reducing the number of deaths by enforcing more laws/punishments against drunk driving, distracted driving, and speeding; increasing seat belt usage; improving road infrastructure and vehicle safety features; and promoting driver education and awareness campaigns. The importance of driver’s ed is so close to my heart because 2 years ago I was in a car accident with one of my brothers. While we were making a left turn I happened to be recording him dancing to one of our favorite songs. This distracted him from driving which ended up being the cause of us getting hit by an 18-wheeler that could have ultimately killed my brother. Even though my brother looked both ways before turning he did not do the 3rd look. The double check. The even though you already checked you check again just to make sure you were right the first time. This was before I had taken the driver’s ed class. If I had already taken the class I would’ve been more aware of my surroundings and how my one little mistake of distracting him could’ve ended up turning into a tragedy. I have witnessed multiple teens around my age drive irresponsibly. I have even been in a situation where the driver was under the influence without my knowledge. So many teens are misguided and careless of their lives and the lives surrounding them. Driver’s ed is an effective way to change this cycle. But not only is driver’s ed capable of changing the cycle, but you can also too! The knowledge you gain from driver’s ed share it with others. Speak up if you see someone driving recklessly or even about to make the mistake of driving irresponsibly, and encourage them to adopt safer driving habits. Drivers will become aware of the importance of traffic laws and regulations. Since Driver’s ed, I always wear my seatbelt. At first, it had seemed like an unnecessary object planted in a car but I have come to know the wonders and miracles a seatbelt has made since then. No matter if it’s 5, 10, or even 2 minutes. Always use your seatbelt to ensure your safety and encourage other passengers to use their seatbelt as well. Make sure to read all signs possible and follow all traffic laws. I even put my phone on Do Not Disturb to lessen the amount of distractions while driving. Because of driver’s ed, I’ve been able to maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles and drive defensively. To do my part as a citizen and help others become safer on the road, I will encourage and promote the importance of following safe driving practices and stress the importance of keeping your vehicle well-maintained, including regular oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections. Always check the weather before leaving the house because you never know what mother nature is up to. By setting a good example of good driving habits can create a butterfly effect to encourage other drivers to follow the same safe driving practices. Be aware and safe rather than sorry and always remember the one mistake you could make that could end up leading to a permanent ending.