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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Significance of Driving Responsibly

Name: Alexandra Frasca
From: Palm Beach County , Florida
Votes: 0

The Significance of Driving Responsibly

The Importance of Driving Safety

The day you acquire your drivers license will always be one of life’s most memorable moments. A year after receiving your permit, you go from wanting to practice every day to ultimately receiving your license. Being able to drive shows maturity, responsibility, a sense of accomplishment, and best of all freedom. Driving is a new form of technology for convenience that makes it possible for individuals to go around more easily. However, some people now exploit this in a negative way by disregarding the dangers and the significance of safety that comes with driving.

The day I got my license I was absolutely thrilled. I thought to myself, now I could go anywhere and do anything I wanted. Now that I am able to drive I won’t need to wait around or ask my mom to drive me anywhere. This was the best thing ever! Though all of these things are true, the roads are still a dangerous place and every time I put myself behind the wheel, there are always going to be risks involved. I didn’t realize it then, but taking your eyes off the road for one second could lead to both serious consequences and risks.

Ever since I could remember, my parents would always tell me that I’m not worried about you as a driver but I’m worried about the drivers around you. This is the most important thing to remember while driving. You could be the most perfect driver, but easily get into an accident because of a reckless driver near you. The amount of people that have gotten into crashes who I have known is a list that goes on and on. Every day I hear of a new story on how someone was driving under the influence and getting into car crashes which ended up getting them killed or severely injured. Driving under the influence is extremely unsafe and illegal. If you were to do so, and you got caught it could lead to serious punishments like jail time. Also, I’ve heard about people who weren’t paying attention and have gotten into minor crashes due to texting while driving or just simply not focusing on their surroundings. Either way, both of these things are creating a more dangerous atmosphere on the roads and can put many lives at stake. When it’s a close acquaintance or perhaps a loved one, the stories will have a greater impact. That’s why it’s important to strive to be a safe driver. The results of one less driver being careless will have a great impact! If people continue to breach the law such as texting while driving or getting behind the wheel under the influence, they will put both themselves and others at risk.

Driving carefully and smoothly not only decreases accidents, but also wear and tear, fuel efficiency, and overall operating expenses over time. By becoming a safe driver you can create a safer environment on the roads. Remember to put the phone down. Once glance away from the road could end up getting yourself killed. You also need to be both reactive and proactive. This means that you need to stay alert and focused while driving, that way you’re ready for anything. Always adapting your driving to the conditions on the road and being prepared to act at any moment is super important to take into consideration when driving. Additionally, I believe that everyone should get driving lessons and spend lots of time behind the wheel from the minute you get your permit all the way up to getting your license. Practice makes perfect, which is true, but also experience helps us grow and learn. At the beginning of me learning how to drive, all I mainly focused on was the music, my phone, and even the other people in the car. Overtime, I learned all of those things are distractions and can cause me to get into a wreck which could lead to bigger consequences. In reality, you have to learn to ignore those distractions and focus on what’s in front of you. Being properly educated on how to drive a car is very important and to abide by these rules and regulations are what’s gonna help everyone become safer drivers.

Overall, the number one thing to remember is to put safety first whenever you put yourself behind the wheel. Being aware of your surroundings and putting the safety of others into consideration helps keep your life and others safe. The safety of driving ensures that people of all ages can get to where they need to go safely without having to worry about reckless drivers.