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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Traumatic Experience That Will Never Be Forgotten

Name: Audrey Levasseur
From: From Locust Grove, GA
Votes: 0

The Traumatic Experience That Will Never Be Forgotten

It was the day before Christmas. I was by myself, heading to hang out with some friends to celebrate the upcoming holiday. I was extremely excited and only 5 minutes away from my destination. There was a new driver on the road, learning how to drive from their dad. They missed their turn, and when they realized it, they hard-braked in the middle of the road and then proceeded to make an illegal turn with no turn signal on. Because of their sudden hard braking and illegal turn, I hit the back of their car. Fortunately, the occupants of the other car only had scratches on the back of their car with no injuries, but I was left shaken and terrified. My car was completely totaled. The front hood was bent almost completely backward, and my car was smoking. When I noticed that, I quickly turned off the vehicle and remained in the car for safety purposes. That was officially my first car accident as a driver. It was a terrifying experience. I was left shaking in my seat, so startled that all I could do was cry. The passenger of the other car (the dad) came out of the vehicle to check on me, but no words were able to form out of my mouth. Tears were rolling down my cheeks quickly. I didn’t know what to do. At that moment, I couldn’t tell if I was injured or not. My adrenaline was rushing through me so quickly that it was hard to tell.

I continued to remain in my seat with my seat belt still attached, and the first thing I did was call my mom. When communicating with her, she was very calm because she could tell how still in shock I was. After asking a minimum number of questions, she started heading to me, where the accident occurred. The father of the other driver called the police while I waited for my mom to get there. The child driving wasn’t from the U.S. She was visiting her dad for the holidays, all the way from Germany. This piece of information was also crucial to the cause of this event. Even though in Georgia, rear-ending another driver automatically puts you at fault, in this case, the other driver was named at fault due to the illegal right turn and sudden braking being the cause of the accident. It was the illegal right turn they made and their sudden braking that caused this accident. As a result of this accident, I had to go to the chiropractor almost immediately following the accident and get frequent checkups for my back. They noticed some negative activity with the nerves in my back and also a little displacement in my neck. This experience was very traumatizing and will forever stick with me. Because of my driving education and safety, I was able to prevent any further injuries from happening to myself. I had my seat belt on while driving and remained in the vehicle until the first response came to the scene. This accident could’ve been a lot worse if it weren’t for my driving safety.

The traumatic event of being in a car accident has made me realize how crucially important driver safety is in my life and others. It has helped me realize how easily carelessness or recklessness on the road may have disastrous results. For the sake of not only our personal safety but also the safety of other drivers and pedestrians, it is our duty as drivers to put safety first at all times. The correct and regular use of seat belts is one of the most important components of driving safety. My experience in the accident has shown me how important this simple action may be in preventing serious injuries. My seat belt kept me firmly in place while reducing the force of the collision.

Maintaining concentration and attention while operating a vehicle is an additional essential component of driver safety. Distractions like talking on the phone, changing the radio, or engaging in conversation can take our focus off the road and raise the risk of accidents.

In addition to being required by law, following traffic laws and regulations is a crucial component of safe driving. The other driver’s improper turn and abrupt braking caused the accident I was in. It serves as a reminder that observing traffic laws can save lives and avoid collisions, in addition to helping you avoid charges.

In the event of an accident, it’s important to keep your composure and get the right medical care. My quick decision to turn off the vehicle and remain inside it until emergency responders arrived probably saved lives. It is crucial to keep in mind that, in such circumstances, putting blame on someone else should come second to our own and other people’s wellbeing.

Being involved in a car accident has had long-lasting effects on how I drive and how important driver safety is. It serves as a strong reminder that maintaining driver safety is important. We can all help to create a style of driving that is safer and more responsible by constantly obeying the rules of the road, being alert, and driving for not only ourselves but others too.