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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The dangers of driving

Name: Savannah D Caldbeck
From: Shirley, Massachusetts
Votes: 0

The dangers of driving

As our world’s population continues to climb, more and more teens are getting their licenses and venturing out onto the road. Some teens are under the impression they should wait until driver education is not mandatory to obtain their license, however this course ensures safety among new drivers and experienced drivers. Driver education helps drivers and passengers alike understand the rules of the road and why they are in place. While it is important to understand what the rules are and follow them to the best of our ability, understanding why certain rules are in place leads us to understand the dire consequences of disobeying them as well as better convince drivers to listen to the rules of the road. An example I would use to compare comes from my own position in lifeguarding. I find patrons more willing to comply with the rules of the facility if I explain what might happen if they were not followed. While it is mostly children I am talking to about rules, I feel the example still helps us see the reasoning behind how education is important. For example, when I explain to children that they cannot run or flip into the pool I explain instances in which they could get hurt resulting in escalation and EMS personnel becoming involved. The children understand the rule now not as a restriction but as a precaution, and that I feel is most important to teach. Rules are never in place to restrict us, but as caution to keep us safe.

I’m of the belief there is always something to improve about yourself in every different aspect in your life. On my own I constantly strive to be better in whatever possible, including my driving. I always do my best to stay updated on construction planning for roads surrounding my house and job as well as my university. Additionally I take whatever steps possible to ensure my phone will not distract me while I am driving. Apple has recently included a feature known as “focus” where you can manage notifications and other settings based on a location, time or activity. I find turning on the driving focus allows me to be more present as it blocks texts and other distracting notifications.

I myself personally have been in a few different car accidents during my life. I would describe the scariest one being a collision on the passenger side where I was sitting in my mother’s jeep wrangler. The driver stopped in the middle of completing a turn across oncoming traffic and my mother did not have enough time to react before the front headlight of the truck interacted with my side of the vehicle. I was not old enough to drive at the time and was very unsure of who’s fault the accident had been until I became much older and finished driver’s ed. In addition to the accident I have seen many instances of both my family and friends not obeying all rules of driving. It can be incredibly hard to speak up when someone is driving irresponsibly as it could be taken offensively or appear as “back seat driving”. When a friend or family member participates in reckless driving I find myself unable to speak up at the moment, but willing to discuss it once we have reached our destination. While it is important to make sure those in the car with you obey the law it is also important to remember not everyone is perfect. I myself have driven when exhausted or have been distracted from events happening outside of the road. My goal is never to be the perfect driver, because there is no such thing, my goal is always to remain present, alert, and safe as possible when driving.

Creating an environment that encourages safe driving is actually quite simple. Steps involved in creating a safe driving environment include removing distractions such as phones, loud music or talking, and finally ensuring whoever is driving is in no less than perfect condition. I also find having a designated driver even in situations not involving alcohol is ideal . Additionally, I have actually found driving as few cars as possible is better than everyone fending for themselves. This leaves less cars around to cause an accident due to build up or traffic. By setting myself up for success through these safe driving habits I have helped prevent myself and others from getting into accidents and dangerous situations alike. It is always better to be safe than sorry.