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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Everchanging World

Name: Jiya LaChea Heath
From: Charlotte, NC
Votes: 0

Everchanging World

The fact that the world is evolving quickly there also then is an importance of driver and continued driver education which will ultimately reduce the number of fatalities. With evolution there is obvious growth which means more people on the road. With an increasing number of drivers, it will certainly increase the odds of being involved in vehicular crashes, some of which will sadly include deaths. Education with very distinct details, statistics from factual data, and information that people can see is the only way to continue to have growth in a world that is ever fast changing. As rules and regulations change or are updated, all people who are in the driver’s seat, and even those who are not, need to be informed and continuously updated with education. Since education begins at a young age, I believe that driving education should start there as well.

I believe to reduce the number of driving related deaths continuous education needs to become a requirement for drivers. Continuous education is encouraged in so many fields of work, so it should be a requirement with driving. I also believe that states and municipalities need to become a team and work as such. Furthermore, there are so many different rules and laws in different places that there needs to be some uniformity and certainty so that confusion does not become a causing factor in an accident. I have seen for myself as a new driver that driving into a different state there seem to be signs or rules that I am told about but never made aware of prior to. I believe that instituting more practice sessions, open discussions, incident reports which are sent out via email or in some fashion and analysis of those reports will assist people with understanding what, why, when and how when it comes to driving, what incidents have happened and what the outcomes are. While every accident can be different, in most cases the overall cause is usually a common one. From a new driver’s perspective it can be daunting to try to do my own research, listen to other people, not knowing what is true or not, what is a law or is not, and what I should be doing, it would be good to have that knowledge from the divisions that actually make the rules.

Luckily, I have never been in a major accident, however, as a child I was involved in a minor car accident. I don’t remember it but have been told the story many times before I began driving and now as a teen driver. My mother was driving in the left turning lane, an 18-wheeler was on the opposite side of the road also turning left. He didn’t have enough clearance to turn because of his truck size, despite that he tried to make the turn, and swiped my mother’s car, shaking the car, tearing her bumper off and scaring her. As I mentioned I was a young child, about 7 or 8 and I don’t remember the event well, but she said she didn’t really know what happened, but once she realized, she was shaken up because although not a bad accident, it could have been much worse, and she was shocked that a truck driver would take that risk. I have certainly seen family members drive irresponsibly and I often remind my father to put his phone down and not to text and drive. I sometimes feel that my mother’s music is too loud, and she can’t pay complete attention because the noise is so distracting. Just a few minor things that can take your attention off the road and onto other things, causing a distraction that can lead to irresponsible decisions.

I believe most behaviors that create a safe environment in most situations are healthy and repetitious behaviors. We hear all the things we should do, and we need to do them, every single time we get into a vehicle, while the vehicle is moving, and while we are parking or in a parked vehicle. Creating a routine and always sticking to it creates an environment that is familiar. Also being sure that your mental state is positive, open, and steady, people can function reasonably and safely. All those things are certain ways to be a better, safer driver and it will help others follow on that same path when they see that. It’s always good to speak about the things that you do with others to hear their suggestions and with that you can share ideas and realize some that you may not have heard or thought of.

Each one teach one is a real thing. And while as mentioned earlier, the world is growing, we must stay on a steady track to include all persons interested in driving to let them know that this is not a simple task, but it is one that is granted to those who study, understand, and grow with this major responsibility.