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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – A Tree-Mendous Crash

Name: Saltanat Fatima
From: Rochester , NY
Votes: 0

A Tree-Mendous Crash

An ice cream cone and a fast turn are all it takes to lose a life. Sunday, August 4th. My mom nagged about getting bird food from PetSmart, we were out. I needed something sweet and thought to grab a treat on my way back. Ice cream melts quickly and it’s too tempting to wait until I get all the way back home to devour it. The roads are familiar and the ice cream, mint chocolate chip.

As I turned into the road my house occupied, the same turn I had taken a hundred times before, distracted by the ice cream I was finishing up, a small animal ran by. My foot hit the brakes, or so I thought. The acceleration buzzed and within seconds I had uprooted a tree and hit a speed limit sign that both sat on the divider at the residential entrance. The branches, from what I remember, came in through the window leaving red marks from the berries on my shirt as Shakira blared in the background.

I came out on the other side whole but shaking. The driver’s side of the car was scraped up, engine fluid was leaking, and the bumper was completely torn apart. I instinctively cleared the road of the fallen tree and parked the car to the side. I tried to call every family member, but nobody picked up until my brother did. At this point tears were swelling in my eyes, I could barely get the words out, but I told him I needed help. He came running. I saw his figure making its way from the house to where I was sitting, being consoled by two of our neighbors who had seen what had happened. He came up to me, didn’t ask about the car, didn’t even look at the car, and instead said “Are you hurt”.

The repairs cost 5,300 dollars; my life has no bill. The ice cream cost 4 dollars and 50 cents; my life has no receipt. I have yet to even allow food in my car and every time I take that turn into the complex, I glance at the tree that once stood there.

Just like an ice cream cone and a hasty turn led me down a path of heart-stopping consequences, emotional videos have emerged as a potent force in awakening society to the perils of distracted driving and I believe they can be a helpful ally against distracted driving. These videos have the potential to possess an extraordinary ability to touch the depths of our hearts, forging a profoundly personal connection that statistics and traditional campaigns often fail to achieve. By sharing authentic stories and real-life experiences, these videos can become a conduit for genuine empathy, captivating the minds and souls of viewers. When watching firsthand accounts of survivors, family members, or witnesses impacted by distracted driving incidents, watchers can find themselves embarking on their emotional journey, living their fears and struggles. This connection cultivates a sense of relatability and makes the message indelible in our minds. As they can see themself in the shoes of those featured, they are compelled to reevaluate their own driving habits, understanding that every moment demands unwavering focus and responsibility.

Emotional videos, beyond being mere storytellers, become catalysts for behavioral change. They ignite the spark within us, urging us to reflect on our actions and take a stance for road safety. The profound impact of these videos propels us to prioritize the lives of others on the road, as well as our own.

In a world where distractions abound, emotional videos deliver a wake-up call—a poignant reminder that a single moment of inattention can alter destinies forever. They serve as guiding lights, illuminating the way toward a safer and more responsible driving culture. Just like the absence of a bill for my life, these videos provide priceless insights into the significance of every decision we make behind the wheel. They teach us that no receipt can ever quantify the value of a life preserved.

As I contemplate my own life-changing incident, I recognize the power of emotional videos to steer us toward a safer future. Just as I now glance at the tree that once stood, these videos can leave a lasting impact, etching their lessons deep within our hearts. With each emotionally charged narrative, we can find ourselves more determined than ever to drive with vigilance, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to protecting lives.