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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – In The Driver’s Seat – Life’s Too Short For Negligent Driving

Name: Armando Miguel Romero
From: Norwalk, California
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat – Life’s Too Short For Negligent Driving

In modern American society, driving is embedded into our culture. With most of us arriving at that aging-based turning point where we begin to understand how to operate motor vehicles, our civic duty as citizens is to ensure that we utilize automobiles in a safe manner, as the way we maneuver our vehicles determines the safety of the driver and neighboring cars. Fortunately, for modern society, we are guided by driver education programs. For our generation, it is fortunate that our modern technology eases the learning of general driving, from the ability to differentiate and determine the significance of each sign, to miscellaneous tips such as proper hand placement on the steering wheel, all of which are provided through effective, low-cost driver education. Ultimately, driver’s education is primal to secure safe highways in our nation.

Driver education is the main principle to reduce the amount of automobile-based deaths, especially for teens and young adults. Unfortunately, many young individuals in our society believe that driving is sportive and an activity performed leisurely, leading to senseless driving. This main factor accounts for the high rate of automobile deaths. In the U.S. alone, 95% of vehicular accidents are due to driver error, and even more worrisome for our generation, car accidents are the main cause of death for young adults (Kass, Tenge Law Firm, 2017). These groups of people may seem like a minority, but their actions affect driving safety levels within the United States. Through safety programs such as DriversEd, students learn about the process behind operating a vehicle, while also how simple it can be to cause a collision due to a small error or distraction. Driver education allows students to learn basic, simple techniques that can prevent deadly collisions.

There are numerous steps that can reduce deaths related to driving. Based on our increasing number of automobile-based fatalities, stringent penalties should be placed. These penalties should be enacted with severe disturbances, such as negligent overspeeding, operating a phone while driving, or operating a vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of a substance. In my home state of California, the main factor of car accidents within 2022 was due to speeding alone (about 34% cause of accidents), which was followed by distracted driving, failure to yield, and driving under the influence (Sweat, 2023). First-time offenders would have to serve and complete punishment options (depending on the severity), which would include a wide range of options, which include: having to pay hefty fines, to re-enroll in driver education courses, perform community service, attend counseling services (only for DWI-cases), and possibly have their licenses suspended. Despite the argument that these penalties are too harsh, these punishments are not as unpleasant as jail time, and allow wrongdoers to rethink their future decisions and commitments towards safe driving. To evaluate the extent of our lives, a human life is a greater loss to lose than any of the sanctions mentioned above. Offenders who constantly repeat these offenses would face larger fines per offense, and possible jail time, due to the ignorance to adequately drive safely. Serving a temporary sentence will allow these repeating offenders to develop a new appreciation towards road safety. Another step would be to include driver’s education-programs within educational curricula. Many students in low-income areas do not have the resources or financial solidity to pay for either driver’s education or driving school programs. Besides the income factor, many students do not have the motivation to pay for driving education programs, due to miscellaneous reasons. The application of drivers’ education in school curricula allows students to at least have an understanding of how an automobile works and its operation, to prepare the youth for the future, while keeping them informed. These programs can also include basic automobile maintenance lessons (changing a flat tire, oil change, etc). As noted by the DMV, a main factor of responsible driving includes the proper maintenance of our vehicles.

Fortunately, I have only been involved in a very small accident myself (minor scratches in my car’s back bumper due to minor rear-end collision), but have seen friends and family that drive recklessly. Due to my adherence towards explaining the importance of becoming a safe driver, I was able to change the habits of my loved ones. This, of course, took loads of patience, instruction, and energy. However, the contribution towards the empowerment of having safer drivers was worth the hassle, and that can’t be stressed enough.

Of course, as a driver myself, there are steps I take to ensure my safety on the road, but as well as to secure the utmost safety towards other drivers. One huge step I take to become a safe driver is by remaining calm. Living in Southern California, traffic is horrible, but even worse are the drivers. Drivers blowing through red lights, tailgating on freeways, cutting you off, and other aggressive practices are common occurrences that happen daily in my area. Despite the ignorance of my fellow commuters, I have learned to never engage in aggressive driving. With news about road rage causing harm and even death of fellow drivers, there is no purpose of fighting fire with fire, and the violent conflicts are not worth the time and energy of your day. In becoming a much cautious driver, I perform numerous techniques daily, such as checking both sides up to three times in a blind intersections, placing my phone on Do Not Disturb while keeping my eyes on the road, while also ensuring my vehicle is equipped my an auto repair kit with full, working items in case of instant car failures.

As renowned actor Edward James Olmos once said, “Education is the vaccine of violence”. In this case, with the assistance of prioritized drivers’ education, we eradicate the high amounts of vehicle-based fatalities that occur in high amounts. Not to be that pessimist, but of course, I understand that despite driving to the extent of full carefulness, reckless driving will likely never cease to exist. However, we can minimize its occurrences, as well as the dangers it causes for others. By taking action, we as a society drastically reduce the amount of deaths due to vehicles. For as we are the youth generation, we possess the civic and political power to promote safe driving within the highways and streets of the United States.



Sweat, S., (2023), “California Traffic Accident Statistics for 2022”