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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Enhancing a safer road for all

Name: Laci Salcido
From: Beaumont, CA
Votes: 0

Enhancing a safer road for all

As some may say, getting your driver’s license can be your new road to freedom. Everyone wants to drive, especially new teen drivers, but I think teens are quick to underestimate how dangerous driving truly is. Even if you are one of the best drivers on the road that does not make everyone else a good driver. Being aware of your surroundings is crucial to a safe drive, but even sometimes that may not be enough. Driver’s education is a great way for new drivers to understand the importance of road signs, seatbelts, speed limits, and much more. You need to pass your written exam to obtain your permit, and by passing that exam you will already most likely have more knowledge than someone who has not taken the written exam. Being aware of the road’s rules can make the trip to your destination much safer than if you were unaware. Most of the time car accidents are unfair, the drivers who were not doing anything wrong are the ones who suffer or die. Whether it be a drunk driver or person of road rage, the person at fault always seems to be okay. I will never understand why this is and it is a heartbreaking thought to know that this is how the world works. To decrease deaths on the road there are a few things you can do but of course it is not guaranteed. If you notice an aggressive driver that is endangering you or others you can report it and if you still feel unsafe you can simply just pull over to the side of the road until they pass. That is a way you can avoid a casualty from another driver, but there can also be times where you are the dangerous driver. To avoid endangering others yourself you can; not drive while you are angry or upset, if you are intoxicated find alternative transportation, and make sure you are wide awake and conscious while driving. These simple steps could possibly save your life and other lives. Being safe is the best thing you can do for yourself and others on the road. I have been in an automobile with a driver who was driving recklessly and dangerously, it is the most terrifying feeling. When you are in the passenger seat with a dangerous driver controlling the car all you can think about are the other drivers on the road. The last thing you want to do is end their life because of a person you are sitting right next to. It is never safe to be with a reckless driver, you are not being “lame” or “boring” because you care about your life and other people’s lives. If you feel uncomfortable, say something! I have also been in multiple car accidents, none that were critical, but they are still a very scary experience to go through. Always pay attention to the road and do not allow room for distractions, sending that text or taking that picture would be worth nothing if you ended the life of an innocent person who could have been on their way home to see their families. Be considerate of others, stop and think before you act, this is something everyone says and it is a common saying but it truly means something to me and I am sure it means something to others as well. Driving is freedom, it is a privilege we worked for by taking the exams and practice, but it can also be taken away if we act irresponsibly. Drive safely wherever you go, and encourage others to do so as well. You are not being bossy or controlling, you could be saving lives just by telling someone to drive safe or wait an extra second at a stop sign. You never know what could lower death rate numbers, if you get a flat tire on your way to work you can be upset but remember it could have just spared your life by avoiding a possible collision. Always see the brighter end of things, in a room full of darkness look for the light and be positive! Practicing safe driving skills and even reviewing a drivers handbook when you have had your license for many years can still refresh your mind on what not to do on the road. Drive safely at all times but still enjoy the road to wherever it leads you, there is no downside to being safe and saving lives. Thank you !