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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – The Value of Driver Education

Name: Sydney Francis
From: Marietta, GA
Votes: 0

The Value of Driver Education

In 2022, tens of thousands of people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes. So many lives have been lost as a result of accidents and mistakes. It is truly disheartening, and it needs to change. This change is not something that can come about by one person’s actions. It must be something that we all work towards. There are a multitude of ways we as a society can push for this change. One of the biggest ways to accomplish this is through education. Driver education is extremely important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. Knowledge is power. The more educated drivers are, the safer the roads become. It’s hard to know what steps to take without being taught about them. So, the main way we can hope to improve the unsightly statistics is through education and through holding drivers accountable on the road.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. One big step is to avoid any cellphone usage while driving. Of course, there are instances where a driver might need to use their phone, such as for directions. However, there are ways to use cellphones hands-free and without needing to stare at the screen in these instances. Thus, there should be no need to have your phone in your hand while driving. Another step to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is only driving when you’re in the right condition. Having a designated driver to take you home or calling an Uber after getting drinks with your friends can be the difference between life and death: yours and/or someone else’s. Driving in the right condition also does not just mean avoiding driving under the influence. It means not driving when you are feeling tired or emotional. So, taking breaks between driving over long distances like for a road trip are pertinent to maintaining road safety. Driving after a fight with a partner is also not the best idea. These steps, among others, can help protect everyone on or around the road.

I do not just say this from a hypothetical standpoint. I fortunately do not have experience in any car accidents that have resulted in fatalities. However, I still know firsthand why taking the proper steps to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is so important. I have been in several car accidents as a passenger, resulting from mistakes made by other drivers. For example, drivers trying to quickly switch lanes without warning has led to an accident. A driver trying to speed through a red light has caused an accident as well. On one occasion, a driver crashed into a car that then crashed into our car, while we were stopped at a red light. In a funny or more so ironic twist of fate, my mom and I were actually driving home from an appointment with her chiropractor as a result of back pain she suffered from due to the last accident we were in. I have also seen people I know drive irresponsibly. I have been in the car while a driver tried to multi-task driving and using their phone. I have been in the car while music has been blasting loudly, which is another possible distraction that can lead to death. Overall, these situations have fueled my resolve to help make a difference in the driving world.

I currently only have my Learner’s Permit, but I am in the process of getting my Driver’s License. Although I have not yet joined the drivers on the road, when I do, I plan to be a part of the change. My experience as a passenger has given me an understanding of why it is so important to take the necessary steps to become a safe driver. So, that is what I intend to do. I will always keep my hands on the wheel, leaving my phone in the proper place. If I decide to drink in the future, I will not get behind the wheel while under the influence. I will not drive if I am sleep-deprived or if my emotions are running high. I will hold other drivers accountable when I am in the passenger seat. If I am in the car with someone and they are not taking the right safety precautions, I will openly voice my opposition. I will do all I can to help reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving.