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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Know before Driving…it’s never too late

Name: Jeisson Joshua Arciniegas
From: Union City, New Jersey
Votes: 0

Know before Driving…it’s never too late

The importance of driver education is to teach drivers to be fully aware of what is being expected on the road and off the road. Driving is a privilege that should not be taken advantage of, but to be aware of and appreciated. In my opinion, driving should be taken seriously, even before touching the vehicle. It is very important to read and study the manual, memorize the signs when driving, and know the laws that regulate driving. Driving education is very underrated and some drivers do not realize that they are gambling with their own lives and putting their lives and others at risk when being on the road without the proper preparation and attitude. Additionally, if every driver were to know how important driving education is, there would be less accidents and deaths. Laws like putting the seat belt on reduce the chances of getting severely injured when caught in an accident. Before getting behind the wheel, it is important to know the safety rules in order to protect oneself as well as others.

In addition, after reading more about how drivers after passing their driving test, drivers go on to their journey of driving and forget about what they learn to pass the test. That is why some drivers are still speeding, double parking and passing a red traffic light. Other drivers are aggressive, blowing their horns, playing loud music, etc. Rules and regulations are being violated and forgotten because after passing the driving test, all the material that was taught to drivers were either forgotten, ignored, or not paid close attention to which provokes authorities to take action. Such actions decrease the number of policemen and policewomen who should take care of violent crimes instead of giving tickets to drivers who know the rules but do not apply them. This is a crucial factor because in case of an emergency, the number of police available in that local area is decreased because the authorities are not available or delayed just because of watching or giving tickets to civilian drivers who have taken the driver test and passed it but they need to be punished for violating the law.

Furthermore, it is never too late to plan for your safety, and with guidance it is guaranteed that driving will be no problem. First, it is extremely important to research your car, know its features, and know how to fix any small details necessary in case of emergencies. Secondly, it is important to check with your doctor before hitting the road to make sure that you are in good health and you are not taking medication that would impair your driving because practicing safety and caution are important, so is your health. Next, check what you ate before driving. If you eat a large heavy meal, you might get sleepy. Drinking and driving do not go together. If you decide to drink, use a taxi/uber or have someone else to do the driving. Always remember to be mindful about others and your surroundings while driving, having self-control on the road will guarantee your safety.

As a secondary witness to this tragic accident that occurred in the year 2017,one night, my father was driving back from work. He was returning home, when suddenly nothing but a bang that compelled my father’s body to slam against the steering wheel and another slam on the back, and the ambulance came on that night. It had been almost an hour and my father was still not home, my mom and I were worried. My mom called my father’s workplace and was told that he left more than an hour earlier. Then, a call came to inform us about my father’s accident. My mom, in tears, ran to take the bus to the hospital where my dad was. I had to witness the tragedy and was not able to do anything but sit and watch it happen like the wind.

The ideals of practicing safety on the roads are important to our community and making sure that all drivers follow the law. Just as my father will tell me, ‘You must be the good example for others to follow the good’, without stating as an example no one will take you seriously. So, if drivers were to practice safety guidance, all members of society would benefit and our community would be safer. If we all abide by the driving rules and regulations, our roads would be safer and our society would thrive. In addition, if every driver were to take a mandatory survey, every driver would fully answer the questions honestly about their ratings of how they feel when driving, especially to beginners who are most likely to be more nervous or anxious driving on the road. Having indecisive, anxious, and nervous drivers on the road is not safe for them and for others to be on the road. Clearly, if everyone followed the safety guidelines, then it is safe to say that your safety is 100% guaranteed.