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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Prevention Before Collision

Name: Evelyn Bolling
From: Roanoke, Virginia
Votes: 0

Prevention Before Collision

I remember the crash so vividly. I was eight years old, and my mom was driving me to swim practice at the YMCA. I remember the exact road, the exact spot. I wasn’t listening to her, so while driving, my mom turned around in her seat to scold me. Next thing I knew, I was jerked from my seat, and flung back due to the seat belt. Both my mom and I, as well as the other driver, walked away unharmed, but it taught me a very meaningful lesson. With just one second of distraction, a worse case scenario becomes a reality.

Driver education is a pivotal aspect of road safety and reducing deaths resulting from driving-related accidents. Every year, countless lives are lost due to traffic collisions and irresponsible driving behavior. These tragedies can be prevented.

The first step in preventing road tragedies is to provide driver education programs that cover both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Understanding road signs, traffic rules, and proper vehicle operation equips drivers with the necessary tools to handle diverse road conditions safely. Most people don’t know that each car has the resources to change a flat tire in the bed of their trunk. This is a perfect example of why education is so important. By educating drivers about potential road risks and hazards, driver education helps cultivate a proactive and cautious mindset. Drivers become more attentive to their surroundings, potential dangers, and use defensive driving techniques to avoid collisions. Driver education emphasizes the importance of responsible driving, including avoiding distracted driving, obeying speed limits, and refraining from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

There was a boy I used to know. His name was Gavin. While we weren’t friends, we knew of each other. Gavin was in a band, a friend to many, and a leader at my high school. Last year, he was hit by a drunk driver. According to the CDC, in my state alone, Virginia, nearly 6000 people died from motor vehicle deaths. In order to lower and prevent those statistics, governments should enforce and update traffic laws regularly, addressing emerging challenges and hazards on the roads. Proper enforcement, accompanied by appropriate penalties for violations, acts as a deterrent against reckless behavior. Inadequate road infrastructure can contribute to accidents. Investing in well-maintained roads, proper signage, and intelligent traffic management systems can significantly enhance road safety and reduce fatalities. Encouraging the use of vehicles equipped with advanced safety features like anti-lock braking systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC), and airbags can significantly reduce the severity of accidents. Engaging in widespread public awareness campaigns to educate drivers and pedestrians about safe road practices can help foster a culture of road safety. I am also a firm believer in harsher punishments for those who drive under the influence of alcohol. Calling a friend or a cab may cost 30 dollars, but taking the life of another will cost everyone everything.

In order to cure road accidents, there is no one single solution, but there are many options to try our best in order to solve the problem. Drivers should never consider their learning process complete. Engaging in continuous education through defensive driving courses and staying updated on traffic regulations ensures ongoing improvement in driving skills. Drivers must commit to distraction-free driving. Refrain from using mobile devices, adjusting the radio, or engaging in any activity that diverts attention from the road. A solution I discovered was programming my Apple iPhone to decline calls while driving, and send an automated message, letting that person know that I was driving and would respond soon. This took me less than five minutes and was incredibly easy to figure out. Proper vehicle maintenance is essential for safe driving. Regularly check brakes, tires, lights, and other crucial components to ensure the vehicle is in optimal condition. Adopting defensive driving techniques, such as maintaining a safe following distance and anticipating potential hazards, can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

There is no doubt that driver education plays a crucial role in the reduction of the number of deaths caused by driving-related accidents. By equipping drivers with the necessary skills, encouraging a responsible driving behavior, and raising awareness about road safety, we can make significant strides in reducing the number of deaths resulting from driving. As such, driver education can make a powerful contribution to keeping our roads safe and ensuring that everyone can travel safely and responsibly. Additionally, individual commitments to continuous learning, safer driving practices, and promoting road safety among others will collectively contribute to creating safer roads for everyone. Only through collaborative efforts can we achieve reduction in the tragic toll of driving-related deaths.