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Driver Education 2020 – Was the One Text Worth it?

Name: Cameron O'Connor
From: New Haven, Michigan
Votes: 0

Was the One Text Worth it?

Cameron O’Connor


The One Text Worth it?

education is an essential to understanding how the road works, and
the dangers of automobiles whilst driving. Driving education in the
state of Michigan consists of 2 segments of classes. The first
segment of drivers training is the basics of the road and scheduling
drives with your driving instructor, whilst slowly working up to main
roads and getting the necessary knowledge you need for the future.
Segment one is very important because it gives the rundown of the
road and the rules of the road to help prevent accidents from
happening whilst it’s someone’s first time operating an automobile.
Segment two gives information on the consequences of distracted
driving, driving under the influence, road rage, and much more.
Segment two gives a refresher on segment one, and whilst having some
road experience with a permit which you can drive with your parent,
it shows the student the consequences of their poor actions. One of
the main points was driving under the influence and distracted
driving. And with the help from the instructor and the presentations
it shows the impact of driving recklessly whether that’s driving
under the influence, distracted driving, and much more to show the
students what not to do and learn from others mistakes.

are many steps to reducing the amount of accidents while operating an
automobile. Many often think, “It’s just one text message, it will
only take a second to send.” But unfortunately in just a few
seconds anything could change. Someone can be left in critical
condition, or even their life getting taken away just from one text.
Families could be ruined, and hurt just from someones action behind
the wheel of an automobile. Something just as simple as eliminating
as many distractions as possible like putting your phone down can
prevent potential accidents. But newer cars have the touch screen
radio systems on them which can be the same as using a phone, the
driver is distracted and looking down. Therefore instead of using it,
they should result in using the steering wheel commands to either
turn down the volume, or change a radio station instead of taking
their hands and eyes off the steering wheel and road. Even as a
passenger, people can help the driver instead by either sending the
text message for them or even changing a song instead of being
another distraction towards them. One text message isn’t worth a
person’s life.

Being a young teenager, I have seen a lot of distracted driving
whether it was a family member or a friend. But distracted driving
isn’t only involving technology or friends. I have seen road rage
play a factor in accidents and potential accidents because someone
gets angry at an individual and drives recklessly. People make
mistakes and there should be no reason to put lives in danger because
of road rage. Road rage results into the reckless driving state, and
unfortunately becomes a bad habit that’s hard to break for some
people. But the distracted driving can lead into someone getting
critically or fatally hurt. At the end of the day it’s not worth
getting angry and irresponsibly driving. When I am driving I
eliminate as many distractions as possible and if I need to change
something on the radio and or adjust the volume I simply use the
steering wheel, or if I have a passenger I ask for assistance so I do
not take my eyes off the road, and my hands off the steering wheel.
Everyone should reflect on their driving habits and not only care
about themselves when it comes to the road. There are very tragic
consequences when it comes to irresponsibly driving, and it should be
fully understood. Vehicles are not toys, they can be weapons.