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Driver Education 2020 – Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow

Name: Alexa Kipp
From: Clarence Center, NY
Votes: 0

Alert Today, Alive Tomorrow

Alexa Kipp

[email protected]

Grade: 12

Clarence Senior High

Buffalo, NY

Today, Alive Tomorrow

your driver’s license is one of the best feelings ever. Freedom.
With driving you have a lot of responsibility. Not only for yourself
but everyone around you. Drivers ed is a way to learn how to
drive. There are so many parts of a car you need to learn like
putting it in park and reverse or hitting the break and gas. They go
over this all in drivers ed to make sure you don’t go out on
the roads confused. They also teach you the rules of the road. You
have to know what each sign means, when you should go or let others
go first. There’s many factors on what could happen on the road.
They will also teach you what you should do in certain weather
conditions. I live where there is a bunch of snow so they taught us
what to do if we start swerving and how to control the car when
driving. This helps prevent many accidents on the road.

reduce the number of deaths from driving there are many factors that
come into play. Don’t use your phone while driving. This is such a
bad habit and so many people do this and cause accidents because they
are distracted with their phone. Another thing is not to speed. There
are speed limit signs for a reason so don’t go over them because
you won’t have any reaction time. If you are out drinking don’t
put others at risk because you think you can drive home. Next to
texting this is one of the biggest reasons for deaths from driving.
Also, pay attention on the road and not other things. Anything can
happen in a split second and it’s better to be paying attention.

time before I had my license my friend would always drive me home
from school. We were on our way home everything was normal until an
animal jumped out so he had to slam on his breaks. The car behind us
was driving so close they didn’t have enough time to stop and hit
the back end of us. It could’ve been prevented if the person wasn’t
riding the back end of the car so they would have more reaction time.
My sister had a more serious accident that when she was turning the
other person wasn’t paying attention and hit the side of her car.
Her car was totaled and she had severe whiplash. If people paid more
attention this would’ve been prevented.

solutions to become a better driver is to not listen to music too
loud, don’t get distracted by friends, don’t speed, and to keep
your phone away. If you are distracted while driving something is
bound to happen because you aren’t focused on the road. If you are
driving other people their lives are in your hands too not just
yours. Always be safe on the road.