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Driver Education 2020 – The Significance of Drivers Education

Name: Ethan J. Brown
From: Nokesville, Virginia
Votes: 0

The Significance of Drivers ed

Significance Of Drivers ed

you need to go somewhere how do you get there? Most  people
would say they drive. Driving is a necessity to many people for a
countless number of reasons, but many people don’t understand the
risk they’re taking each time they get behind the wheel. That risk
is why we have laws and things like drivers ed, however more
needs to be done to reduce the number of deaths due to irresponsible
or distracted driving. There are a variety of things that can be done
to make the roads safer for everyone in order to reduce the number of
fatal accidents.

order for an individual to get their license they must take and pass
a drivers ed class. This class is extremely important when it
comes to road safety and reducing the number of fatal accidents. In
this class you are taught good driving habits, laws on the road, and
given many guidelines to follow to help keep you and others safe.
When people understand and follow what they’re taught in drivers
education,  the chance of them getting into a crash drops
drastically. Many people need to take better advantage of drivers
education, to help them become a better and safer driver.

actions can be taken by people themselves to reduce the number of
fatal accidents each year. A few examples are not using any device
while in the car, follow laws such as going the speed limit, and
making sure you are prepared to drive safely and stay focused before
driving. It only takes a second for something to go wrong once you
take your eyes or focus off the road which is why there are things
such as speed limits and distracted driving is illegal. If the
standards to pass a driving test and class were higher in order to
receive a license and it was stressed more that distracted driving is
dangerous and illegal there would be a noticeable decrease in any
kind of car crash, fatal or not. 

it was nowhere near fatal, I was in a car accident not long ago but
distracted  driving was not the cause on my end. I consistently
see people around me on the road or that I’m in the car with doing
something such as using their phones which can and will cause an
accident at any moment. I feel the most I can do to become a better
driver is just make sure I keep good driving habits, stay focused,
and gain experience over time. As far as helping others on the road
goes, I feel all I can do is discourage things like distracted
driving and stay a safe driver myself so neither I or others get
hurt. In the end it is all about drivers ed; informed,
responsible, individuals are what will cause the greatest decrease in
the number of fatal car accidents each year.