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Driver Education 2020 – Importance of Awareness While Driving

Name: elizabeth deloreto
From: Chicago, Illinos
Votes: 0

Importance of Awareness While Driving

of, if not the best way, to reduce the number of automobile accidents
and deaths is through education.  Drivers ed provides
students with the unfortunate truths of the difficulties of driving.
It is imperative to inform students of the power they hold when
behind to wheel. Educating students before they start driving on
their own could also be considered a preventative measure.  It
teaches them not only how to operate a vehicle, but also what to do
in uncalled for situations. The information ranges from how to use
breaks if you lose control of the car in the snow to how to handle
road rage. No lesson is too small to teach before we release students
onto the road.  Advice given could help a student in the future
navigate a difficult driving occurrence and save a life.  

of the most important steps which can be taken to reduce the number
of deaths related to driving is teach students the effects of drugs
and alcohol.  One of the biggest reasons for deaths related to
driving is a result of drivers being under the influence. By
providing students with statistics on deaths due to driving with
drugs and alcohol, it can raise awareness of the danger and reduce
the number of deaths related to driving.  

I was 16 I got into an accident while driving with my mother.  I
was rear-ended while stopped at an intersection. Although I had no
serious injuries, the experience was extremely impactful on my future
driving.  The person who hit me was on his phone and did not
recognize that the light had turned red. This reminded me of the
importance of paying attention to the road.  He looked away for
a short amount of time, but in that time the light changed and he
ended up hitting me. It also made me realize that you can never be
too careful while driving.  I was doing everything right, and
still got into an accident. Since then, I am not only conscious of my
actions on the road, but also those around me.