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Driver Education 2020 – How Simple It Is To Save A Life

Name: Jillian Johnson
From: College Station, Texas
Votes: 0

How Simple It Is To Save A Life

The word a sixteen year old has been waiting their whole life for.
The thrill, the excitement, the freedom. This is the next step to
becoming an adult, to live their own life outside of their parents.
All of these reasons are good things that come with driving, but
there are so many dangerous aspects that come with driving as well
that are constantly overlooked. The deaths that are from cars are
truly heartbreaking. Most cases of car wrecks and deaths are from
distracted drivers, which can include phones, loud music, other
people in the car, tiredness, or even being lost in thought. It is so
important for those who are behind the wheel to be skilled drivers
who are not distracted. This alone could help reduce car wrecks and
especially deaths. Other ways to keep drivers safe would be to wear
their seatbelt and continually follow the rules of the road,
including obeying the speed limit, even when you are late or do not
want to. These can help reduce deaths that do not need to occur. It
is so heartbreaking when there is death or injury by driving just
because of someone else’s blatant disregard for the rules of the
road. One of my friends was hit by a guy in a big truck because he
did not stop at a stop sign, resulting in multiple breaks and tears,
as well as a bad concussion and many scars. The guy was distracted by
his music and his friend in the truck with him that he did not see
the stop sign or hear her honking. This was so upsetting because I
know she did not deserve it. Wrecks have always been something big in
my family ever since my uncle was in a bad wreck, broke his nose, and
now suffers from memory loss. That is why I always try to be a safe
driver in any way I can. I can be safer by not speeding and lowering
the music, so I will definitely strive to be as safe as I can be. If
more people realized the many dangers that come with driving, I
believe many people would be safer, therefore this information should
be shared with anyone and everyone and I will definitely start now.
With all the violence in the world that we cannot do anything about,
we should all stop the violence that we can do something about.