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Driver Education 2020 – From One Driver to Another

Name: Jonas mendoza
From: San Marcos, TX
Votes: 0

From One Driver to Another

An car accident
always happens by an amount of carelessness you express when driving,
this is very prominent in very experienced drivers, and very
inexperienced. I would think to start off with getting advice from
someone you know is mature, or you can trust. Next, I would just make
a mistake, in my opinion this is the most effective way to teach
someone a lesson whenever it comes to any foreing topic, or just pure
laziness. Another is to just drive more in general, every minute
counts to another ounce of experience driving, also take any moment
to learn from your mistakes, or the little things. Another big thing
for any driver is using your goddamn blinkers, oh my god, the amount
of laziness to not be able to flicka stick down. Drivers ed
is one of the most important processes you should follow, not only
does it decrease the death rate of drivers with a greater education
of the road, but I feel nice to have the ability to as well. People
should also understand that driving is a privilege, not a right,
don’t take the Drivers Ed. course lightly.

But with helping
people around you with driving habits, can come directly from you.
Such as a rolling stop too, too many people don’t know how to slow
down, or go at about the speed and the patience level for most is way
way low. A few rules I got by when I’m driving are: 1. Focus on the
road in front and around you, 2. Always check your mirrors when
needed, 3. Before driving, always check your control panel to see if
anything new is up that needs to be checked, 4. Instead of waiting
for a warning to show up, just learn to take care of your car, i.e.,
check wiper fluid, tire pressure, gas level, and your oil level once
or twice every other week depending how much you drive.

I have been in
accidents only involving scrapes and near misses, but that’s just
dumb luck. My Mom, Dad, and my Brother have all exhibited bad driving
habits and accidents. It makes sense, not only are you human and make
mistakes, but everyone has to start somewhere with anything new to
them. I’m not just stating ideas here as well, these are key
concepts for any new driver young and old, even drivers who just want
to overall improve. But, my personal experiences derive these
opinions of mine, and everyone’s needs are different given their
situation, and how they experience driving is different for most
other people. But, I do believe there should be a constant in respect
with laws deriving from which state you reside in. Don’t be
ignorant when the issue is screaming at you right in the face.