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Driver Education 2020 – The Life of Many in One Hand

Name: Ruth McCrea
From: Ashland, Ohio
Votes: 0

The Life of Many in One Hand


Education Initiative Award

March 2020

Education Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

Life of Many in One Hand

hugely significant it is to receive a driver’s license and to be
allowed the privilege to operate such powerful carriers. However, is
this privilege really seen as a privilege, or merely just a right or
something we are entitled to? If I am not mistaken, driving a car is,
in fact, a “norm” in this society. The automobiles have
revolutionized industry, changed how and where we labor, determined
where we can live, and set how fast we can acquire essential or
leisure goods. The use of automobiles has invented our speed of life.
This being said, a car is now seen as a vital part of our everyday
life. The very essence of automobiles, however, is contradicted by
the shear danger these tools pose and how, by a slight slip of a
hand, the lives of many can be stolen. Diving a car, therefore, is
not simply a right, but rather something awarded only to those who
understand that the lives of many lie in their single hand.

was when I was going through the drivers ed program that I
first realized the significance of a driver’s license. The
instructors shared vivid videos that showed the result of
irresponsible behavior behind the wheel. Like what was taught in the
course, I believe that the number of deaths related to driving can be
reduced, first, by limiting distractions. The use of cell phones, too
loud of music playing, or rowdy passengers can create a hazardous
distraction for the driver. Second, the deaths could be decreased by
ensuring only responsible drivers are allowed to use the roads.
Determining who is responsible, however, could be a challenge because
there is really no way to “test” an individual for their
responsibility. Above all, education is the best action to take in
order to reduce traffic deaths. Educating future drivers of the risk
of driving is the best way to prevent deaths caused by irresponsible

I myself have never been in a car accident nor witnessed one, I have
heard of the horrors my dad has told me about. He, being a paramedic,
has seen and experienced many casualties. These images, therefore,
serve as a prompt to encourage me to drive with safety and with
caution. When I drive, I strive to take necessary steps and
precautions to ensure that my focus is continually on the road and
does not waver. I also keep in mind that, one slight mistake on my
part can result in the injury or death of fellow drivers or myself.
Because of drivers ed, I have become aware of the danger of
driving and hope that others will heed the warnings. For when
driving, we hold the lives of many in one single hand.