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Driver Education 2020 – The Importance Behind Drivers Education and Safety

Name: Jacqueline
From: Stoneham , Massachusetts
Votes: 0

The Importance Behind Drivers ed and Safety

Education Scholarship


Importance Behind Drivers ed and Safety

week of your life spent in a classroom-like environment learning
about something you have witnessed your whole life seems unnecessary,
however, it is the most important thing that can ever be taught.
Driving can be dangerous because it takes everyone on the road to be
doing their job correctly for it to be safe. In drivers ed, I
vividly remember watching videos of car accidents and why people got
in them. There are many do’s and don’ts when it comes to the road
and drivers ed emphasizes that. There is truly nothing anyone should
be doing behind the wheel other than driving. Deaths caused by
driving can simply be accidents due to weather-related incidents
however it is more common that drivers are distracted whether it be
texting, eating, or sleeping. Drivers ed teaches you to pull
over the vehicle if any of these actions need to be done. In drivers
education, the rules of the road are taught but there is also
first-hand experience. One of the most important things taught to me
was how much space that should truly be left in between two cars.
This is important because if there is an accident the space will
prevent vehicle one hitting vehicle two, protecting the driver and
the person in front.

order to reduce the number of deaths due to driving the laws and
regulations in regards to cell phone use should be stricter. There
are laws against texting and driving but I still see people doing it
every day. If the laws were stricter and more people were getting in
trouble for this it might stop others from doing the same. Another
way to try and ensure safety on the roads may be more checkpoints
throughout the night to stop any under the influence driving. It
could be beneficial if there were more driving tests done at certain
ages in order to renew one’s license to ensure safety on the road.

have been a victim of an accident. About a year ago I got rear-ended
on my way to school one morning. I was completely stopped behind a
line of cars at a red light. The girl behind me was “distracted”
and slammed into me, luckily I had left enough space in front of my
car so I did not hit the vehicle in front of me and no one was
injured. My car was totaled and it was soon found out that the driver
that hit me was texting and driving while speeding. I was completely
shaken up. I am a safe driver, I truly never use my phone while
driving and try to stay focused on the road. There is simply no
excuse to be driving irresponsibly and it is important to enforce
this because reckless driving can take lives.

order to keep myself in line and remain a safe driver, I follow the
rules of the road and the laws in my state. I make sure to put my
phone out of sight, always wear a seatbelt, leave enough room between
cars, and follow the speed limit. One thing I can work on is always
having two hands on the wheel because after hours of driving
sometimes I get too comfortable! I try to tell my friends not to
touch their phones and if I am in the car while they are driving I
will do what they need on the phone for them! It is important to be
alert and aware on the road so that it can be a safe environment for