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Driver Education 2020 – On the Road, Off the Phone

Name: Chloe Phely-Bobin
From: Marlborough, MA
Votes: 0

On the Road, Off the Phone

the Road, Off the Phone

education is the first experience many people have with learning how
to maneuver a car. Early teaching and intervention is the best
strategy in order to prevent behaviors, and this is true in the case
of reckless driving. If teens learn in-depth about the atrocities
that they are capable of while driving, then the streets will be much
safer for everyone. 

have been in a couple fender-benders in my life, and they were mostly
due to texting and driving on the other person’s behalf. I remember
my mother driving my sister and I to school one day in stop-and-go
traffic on the highway. All of a sudden, we felt a big jolt. The
driver behind us had hit my mother’s car because he was distracted
by his phone. Even in slow traffic, there is still such a big risk
you are taking when you choose to use your phone. Everyone was fine,
thankfully, and neither of the cars were damaged, but it was still an

story was only a mild one, but the harsh reality is that 6,000 people
die every year as a result of texting and driving. I am from
Massachusetts, and Governor Charlie Baker just recently imposed the
Hands Free Driving law, which stipulates that no motor vehicle
operator may use electronic devices while driving unless the
technology is hands-free. This is a very important step in reducing
the number of deaths related to driving, as a large risk is taken
each time an operator uses a phone. Other states should implement
laws such as this one in order to keep the roads safe for all.

admit, yes, I have been in a friend’s car while they were texting
and driving. Unfortunately, I have never been the one to speak up and
tell them that what they are doing is wrong. But that needs to
change. One small voice can start a revolution, and that is exactly
what I am trying to do here today with this essay. Even if nothing
big is implemented, even if the only thing that comes of this is
people reminding their friends and family to stay off their phones on
the road, I am okay with that. Those reminders could save lives. 

and driving causes 1.6 million car crashes yearly. Think about that
number. 1.6 million crashes yearly

that are so easily preventable. As I
mentioned before, 6,000 deaths result from these crashes annually.
Something needs to change, and it is even before people get in the
driver’s seat. Drivers ed is going to prevent those deaths.