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Driver Education 2020 – Safe Driving

Name: Melissa Powers
From: Plainfield, IL
Votes: 0

Safe Driving


education is important because without education no one would know
the rules of the road and there would be accidents all the time.
Without education, people wouldn’t know that they have to stay on
the right side of the road or what the different signs mean. Imagine
if someone was driving and they didn’t know what the crosswalk sign
was and a pedestrian was crossing the street thinking the car would
stop and it didn’t because the driver didn’t know the rules of
the road from lack of education. Driving should be taken seriously
because one mistake could injure or kill others. 

reduce the number of deaths we need to design cars to be as safe as
possible. A car can be safer by making it made of metal instead of
plastic so if someone does get in an accident the car that got hit
won’t get crushed as easily. Also the car shouldn’t be able to
move until all seat belts are on and the driver’s phone is set down
somewhere with the notifications off. In drivers ed, I didn’t learn
that brakes and tires should be checked frequently because if they
get worn down then there is nothing to stop the car, but I think it
should be incorporated into the curriculum.  Lastly, to make
driving safer, drivers should be well educated and understand the
potential consequences associated with driving an automobile. 

I have been a passenger in a car accident and it was a terrifying
experience. I remember my mom yelling because she saw the car coming
up behind us in the rear-view mirror. Then I remember being hit and
flying forward into the car in front of us. I was so scared I could
not stop shaking. The fire department asked if I was injured, but I
was numb from my adrenaline. Everyone turned out to be fine, but I
will never forget how scary that moment was and I would never want
anyone else to go through that. Unfortunately, I also know several
people that don’t always make the best decisions, like texting and
driving or failing to put on their seatbelt. I always remind these
people that they need to put their phone down and that I am not
comfortable in the car with them if they are texting and driving. I
also tell them to buckle up if they are driving or in someone else’s

be a safer driver, I don’t start driving until everyone in my car
is buckled. I also make sure to send texts and pick music before I
start driving to make sure I’m not distracted on the road. Other
people can become safer drivers by not being distracted on the road
and keeping a cool temper. Road rage can lead to poor and reckless
decision-making that could result in an irreversible mistake. Anybody
operating an automobile should have a clear mind and only be thinking
about staying focused on the road.