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Driver Education 2020 – Is it Worth it?

Name: Snejana Faryga
From: Minneola, FLORIDA
Votes: 0

Is it Worth it?


it Worth it?

Snejana Faryga

it worth it, not following the importance of drivers ed in
reducing the number of deaths as a result of reckless driving? By
reading and following the safety of drivers ed, it could save
your life or the life of others, whether it may be your fault or the
fault of others.

it worth it, not following steps to reduce the number of deaths
related to driving? By following these steps, such as turning your
phone on silent, putting your phone in a glove compartment, or
turning the music down so as to not blast your ears and have them
mute to your surroundings.

it worth it, for my friend to speed over 20mph while I’m sitting on
the passenger’s seat, knowing that one small inconvenient move can
become a catastrophe? Is it worth it, after driving with that person,
a week later they got in a horrible car accident with another friend
because they were speeding while getting too close to a round-about?
If they weren’t lucky, I could have lost two of my closest friends.
Is it worth it, for them to understand what they did is wrong and
they will still continue to do it? Would it be worth it in the end,
when they take a life?

it is not. It is not worth hurting others and yourself because you
were too busy on your phone or you thought that going over 20mph was
okay. It is not worth it when you could be responsible for someone’s
life or future because you didn’t take driving seriously. It will
never be worth it and I will make sure of it for myself because I
know what to do to not get into dangerous situations when driving.
The steps I would take is to silence my phone and put it in a glove
compartment so that I will not have the opportunity to hold it. I
would also make sure that the radio is not too loud that I would
disturb other drivers as well as myself. Finally, I will most
definitely follow the speed limit at all costs. Also, if I see a
friend or family member driving irresponsibly, I will make sure that
they follow the steps that I have made because those “meaningless”
steps can possibly prevent a car accident that could be fatal.