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Driver Education 2020 – Safety First

Name: Ella Williams
From: Noblesville, Indiana
Votes: 0

Safety First


will never forget the moment that I finally got my license.When I was
handed my license, my first thought was freedom. I was free to go
wherever I wanted whenever I wanted, with my parents permission of

believe drivers ed to be very important. It’s a lot easier to
learn all of the rules of driving if you go through the class than
just driving around with your parents. There are a lot of risks that
go along with driving. There can be the common rear end or there can
be the fatal accident. Teenagers that follow through with driver
education are less likely to get in accidents, therefore, they are
less likely to be in a fatal accident. Knowing how to properly
operate a car and get rid of the distractions on the road that can
cause accidents comes from drivers ed.

biggest distraction on the road, especially for young drivers, is the
cellphone. There is constantly a new notification popping up that can
make a driver feel the need to look at their phone. People with
iPhones need to start using the “Do Not Disturb While Driving”
option on their phone. Sometimes, I feel like there are people that
don’t even realize that they have that option before it’s too
late. I think telling people that is an option will be more
beneficial than saying to put it in the back seat of the car or other
things that instructors suggest.

I have only ever experienced being rear ended. My mom has been rear
ended a few times, and one time my dad accidentally backed up into
someone’s car. My parents are relatively good drivers, but my mom
can have issues with being distracted while talking to someone on the
phone while driving. My dad can sometimes be an aggressive driver as
well. My friends are decent drivers too. However, cellphones can be a
distraction. This is mainly due to the fact that the music that they
listen to is music off of their phones, so they will try to pick a
song to listen to sometimes. Overall, the people I find myself in the
car with aren’t too scary to be in a car with.

that I can do to be safer on the road is simply taking my own advice.
I discussed using the “Do Not Disturb” option even though I have
only used it a few times. I need to start using that everytime I get
in the car. Also I need to make sure that my friends don’t try to
pick out the music on their phones. I can have them tell me what they
want to listen to in the car. My friends and I can always become
better drivers even though we aren’t in drivers ed,

can be really fun and there is a lot of freedom that comes along with
it, however, the most important thing is to be safe.