Name: Daniel Alvarez
From: Dallas, Texas
Votes: 0
Safe Driving
Institute of Funeral Services
N. Montclair
can still remember when I was in high school, I was anxious to learn
how to drive. There were times where I would sneak out and take my
mom’s van for a drive just to go my local Jack in the Box. I must
admit I was not the perfect driver; till this day I sometimes get a
little road rage. When I was younger, I would get ticket after
ticket. If it was not for speeding, it was for a no stop. I even got
the big ones like no license or insurance. It took me defensive
driving class, probation and some big fines, oh and a couple of court
visits. I would say it took me about three years to clear my name
out. Thanks to my nice boss I had at that time she would give me a
chance to get my driver license test every Friday till I passed it.
Which I did, I was so happy when I got it.
had to do something to improve my driving, and not get so many
tickets. One thing I started doing is something I did when I took my
driver license test. Steps to take reduce number of deaths is
exaggerated everything, every time I hop into my car I pretend as if
I am taking my driver license test and my officer is sitting next to
me grading me. Till this day I still drive with both my hands on the
steering wheel. I have gotten made fun of because I drive with both
hands on the steering wheel. My friend told me that I am the only one
he knows that drives with two hands on the steering wheel. I told
him, driving like this has saved me from getting stopped by the
police officers. And I am also protecting my life and his life but
other people on the road. I must brag ever since I started driving
with both hands, I have not gotten no tickets. Anybody who is reading
this start driving with both hands and I promise you, you will never
get ticketed again. This will also reduce the number of deaths on the
roads, driving with both hands. Trust me is that simple.